dotBATmanNO / PSPublish-PPTX-Speech

Publish your PowerPoint to video using Text-To-Speech and subtitles. Target Users: Conferences / LMS Content Publishers. Top use case: Translation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Create subtitle files to overlay videos made with text-to-speech #2

Open dotBATmanNO opened 4 years ago

dotBATmanNO commented 4 years ago

Create subtitle files to overlay videos made with text-to-speech

I propose the use of the SubRip subtitle (.SRT) format.

Example attached. Publish-PPTX-Speech_srt.txt

dotBATmanNO commented 4 years ago


Currently able to break input text in 32 char chunks, this is the recommended max of a subtitle line.

$Sentence = "This sentence is quite long, how can we break it up? And what if it is crazy long?"

$LineMax = 32
Function fnSplitLine
 # Based in part on trick found at


    $linewords = ($Message | Select-String " " -AllMatches).Matches.Index

    $diff = $linelength - $linewords[0]
    $min_index = 0
    for ($i = 1; $i -lt $linewords.count; $i++)
      $new_diff = $linelength - $linewords[$i]

      if ($new_diff -lt $diff -and $new_diff -ge 0)
        $diff = $new_diff
        $min_index = $i

    Return $LineWords[$min_index]

write-host "12345678901234567890123456789012"
While ($Sentence.Length -gt $LineMax)
  $LineLen = fnSplitLine -Message $Sentence -LineLength 32
  write-host $Sentence.SubString(0, $LineLen)
  $Sentence = $Sentence.SubString($LineLen + 1)
If ($Sentence.Length -gt 0) { Write-Host $Sentence }