Open mavera3 opened 6 years ago
I'm using the following modification locally for 2017.1.3
diff --git a/Assets/Editor/VSCode.cs b/Assets/Editor/VSCode.cs
index b516da6b64..68afdb6c2b 100644
--- a/Assets/Editor/VSCode.cs
+++ b/Assets/Editor/VSCode.cs
@@ -966,7 +966,11 @@ namespace dotBunny.Unity
/// <summary>
/// Executed when the Editor's playmode changes allowing for capture of required data
/// </summary>
+#if UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER
static void OnPlaymodeStateChanged(UnityEditor.PlayModeStateChange state)
+ static void OnPlaymodeStateChanged()
if (UnityEngine.Application.isPlaying && EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode)
@@ -980,8 +984,13 @@ namespace dotBunny.Unity
static void OnScriptReload()
+#if UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER
EditorApplication.playModeStateChanged -= OnPlaymodeStateChanged;
EditorApplication.playModeStateChanged += OnPlaymodeStateChanged;
+ EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged -= OnPlaymodeStateChanged;
+ EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged += OnPlaymodeStateChanged;
/// <summary>
In Unity 2017.4.2 I'm getting
Assets/VSCode/Plugins/Editor/VSCode.cs(983,31): warning CS0618: UnityEditor.EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged' is obsolete:
Use EditorApplication.playModeStateChanged and/or EditorApplication.pauseStateChanged'
It's been fixed on the master branch. Maybe we need a new release?
On the asset store? shiver
I was getting my unitypackage from a Github download thing that's not maintained anymore. Getting it from the asset store worked.
I get this error when I put the VSCode.cs File into Assets/Plugins/Editor folder
Unity Editor 5.6.3xf1 Linux Personal on Ubuntu 16.04 and Visual Studio Code 1.20.1