When you try to add a new poll we are having an error after upgrade from 2.2 to 2.5.7
Here the error in the log
[15/12/14 11:26:27:126 CST] WARN util.JDBCExceptionReporter: SQL Error: 1400, SQLState: 23000
[15/12/14 11:26:27:126 CST] ERROR util.JDBCExceptionReporter: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("DOTCMS5"."POLLSQUESTION"."GROUPID")
[15/12/14 11:26:27:127 CST] ERROR impl.SessionImpl: Could not synchronize database state with session
[15/12/14 11:26:27:134 CST] ERROR servlet.MainServlet: net.sf.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: could not insert: [com.liferay.portlet.polls.ejb.PollsQuestionHBM#14]
When you try to add a new poll we are having an error after upgrade from 2.2 to 2.5.7
Here the error in the log [15/12/14 11:26:27:126 CST] WARN util.JDBCExceptionReporter: SQL Error: 1400, SQLState: 23000 [15/12/14 11:26:27:126 CST] ERROR util.JDBCExceptionReporter: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("DOTCMS5"."POLLSQUESTION"."GROUPID")
[15/12/14 11:26:27:127 CST] ERROR impl.SessionImpl: Could not synchronize database state with session [15/12/14 11:26:27:134 CST] ERROR servlet.MainServlet: net.sf.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: could not insert: [com.liferay.portlet.polls.ejb.PollsQuestionHBM#14]
SC: http://monosnap.com/image/wPiP3aERa4z3uNf0IteD7XwULzgVtR
Tested in the latest master-2.5 // Oracle // FF