dotCMS / core

Headless/Hybrid Content Management System for Enterprises
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Option to switch between individual language publish/expiration dates, or use syspublish_date/sysexpire_date #28969

Open nathan-hildebrandt opened 1 week ago

nathan-hildebrandt commented 1 week ago

Parent Issue

No response

User Story

As a user, I want to be able to have an option I can change so that when I change a publish or expire date it reflects across all languages instead of how it currently works where each language publishes or expires on its own dates.

Acceptance Criteria

Some form of option for users to set so that when they update a publish or expire date, it updates across languages.

Proposed Objective

User Experience

Proposed Priority

Priority 3 - Average

External Links... Slack Conversations, Support Tickets, Figma Designs, etc.

Ticket. Git issue of update that switched to individual languages

Assumptions & Initiation Needs

No response

Quality Assurance Notes & Workarounds

No response

Sub-Tasks & Estimates

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