dotCMS / core

Headless/Hybrid Content Management System for Enterprises
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Resolve CLI Issues in Latest Trunk #28980

Closed bryanboza closed 4 days ago

bryanboza commented 1 week ago

Problem Statement

Users are unable to use the CLI in the latest trunk version of the application. This issue prevents users from performing essential command-line operations, affecting their productivity and workflow. image

Steps to Reproduce

Acceptance Criteria

Functioning CLI: Ensure that the CLI works correctly in the latest trunk version, allowing users to execute commands without errors.

dotCMS Version

Tested on trunk [_bbb39f0]

Proposed Objective

Quality Assurance

Proposed Priority

Priority 2 - Important

fabrizzio-dotCMS commented 1 week ago

It seems to be happening only withe the native image. I tried login in using only the jar and it works. Perhaps the native image is missing the file

nollymar commented 4 days ago

Dupe of