Closed fjclip99 closed 8 years ago
Are you using the nuget package? Dont think I updated it with UWP support. You'll have to reference the uwp project instead
I have the SharpGIS.NmeaParser v 1.5.1 installed. How do I reference the uwp project?
Download the source, add project to your solution, then add a project reference.
Ok, fixed that. Now I have one more question. Is the private void device_MessageReceived(object sender, NmeaParser.NmeaMessageReceivedEventArgs args)
event called always there is incomming data on the serial port?
It's called every time there's a valid full message received (so normally yes always)
I am using just this code for now but i am not getting the event triggered:
private void device_MessageReceived(object sender, NmeaParser.NmeaMessageReceivedEventArgs args)
textBlock.Text = "EVENT TRIGGERED";
And the init. code:
private async void InitSerial() // Initialize Serial
string dev = SerialDevice.GetDeviceSelector("UART0");
var inf = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(dev);
SerialPort = await SerialDevice.FromIdAsync(inf[0].Id);
dataReader = new DataReader(SerialPort.InputStream);
SerialPort.BaudRate = 9600;
SerialPort.Parity = SerialParity.None;
SerialPort.StopBits = SerialStopBitCount.One;
SerialPort.DataBits = 8;
SerialPort.Parity = SerialParity.None;
SerialPort.Handshake = SerialHandshake.None;
var device = new NmeaParser.SerialPortDevice(SerialPort);
device.MessageReceived += device_MessageReceived;
await device.OpenAsync();
Oh, and i am sending a string from A0 to A255 to the serial port.
Did you try the test app and see if that work? Are you sure those are the correct parameters for your device?
Not really sure why you are sending data.
Lastly don't update your UI in that event. It fires on a background thread and would cause a crash. You have to use the dispatcher to switch to the UI thread.
Updated the nuget package to 1.6.0 with support for UWP (and iOS and Android - Xamarin)
The parameters are correct i think, because the SerialWrite that i created is working and it is sending, however the event doesen't want to trigger... I have installed the 1.6.0 and still nothing...
How do you know you're sending? What GPS device is this where you can just send 0..255 and know it received it? Very few GPS devices support being written to and if they do, it's usually only RTCM data.
Serial ports are old tech. If you get any of these parameters wrong, nothing will happen. No error, just nothing. No data is sent or received.
Also are you sure about your "UART0" parameter ?
No no, i am not using the GPS device... I forgot to mention.... I am using an Arduino... I need to make a communication between the Arduino and the Raspberry PI... I have the SerialWrite function created, it is sending the data and the Arduino is receiving it... Now I only need to make the SerialRead on the Raspberry pi (Windows universal app) so that i can receive messages like (A255, B125, etc...).
Huh? That's not what this library is for. You don't need this library at all.
I am creating a visual studio universal app and i am using the UWP sample... But somehow on the line
var device = new NmeaParser.SerialPortDevice();
i get the errorSerialPortDevice does not exist in the namespace...