dotMorten / WinUIEx

WinUI Extensions
MIT License
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NU1605 Error #113

Closed BlyZeYT closed 1 year ago

BlyZeYT commented 1 year ago

Downgrade of the package "Microsoft.Windows.SDK.BuildTools" from 10.0.22621.1 to 10.0.22000.194 was found.

I'm using .NET MAUI on .NET6 and WinUIEx 2.1.0

I don't get this error fixed Thx in advance for help :)

dotMorten commented 1 year ago

Looks like you're referencing an out of date package, and another package requires something newer. This would be an issue in your project.

andreyrd commented 1 year ago

The package conflict comes from MAUI itself.. and is still an issue with .NET 7.0. It looks like WinUIEx is no longer compatible with .NET 7.0 / MAUI?

Edit: Never mind, I'm referring to WinUIEx 2.2.0 - so separate issue

dotMorten commented 1 year ago

Winuiex is compatible with Maui but you need to tell your project to explicitly reference the newer WindowsAppSDK (Maui defaults to 1.2 right now)