dotMorten / WinUIEx

WinUI Extensions
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DataRow doesn't work with WinUI #126

Closed ScottAtBarco closed 5 months ago

ScottAtBarco commented 1 year ago

This works: [TestMethod] [DataRow(1, "message", true, 2.0)] public void TestMethod1(int i, string s, bool b, float f) { }

And this appears to work: [WinUITestMethod] [DataRow(null)] public void TestMethod2(object o) { }

But this does not: [WinUITestMethod] [DataRow("")] public void TestMethod3(string s) { }

You can see many errors in the generated code for the expansion to DataRowAttribute, even if you provide a DisplayName without embedded quotation marks. The first parameter, {""}, is where things go wonky.

Is there a trick for getting parameterized WinUI tests to work?

dotMorten commented 5 months ago

The Test Tools are being deprecated as an official set of test tools for WinUI since they have quite a lot of issues and no clear path forward. I think the approach taken isn't quite right, and causing more problems than they need. Moving forward their only purpose is for testing WinUIEx itself.