dotMorten / WinUIEx

WinUI Extensions
MIT License
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Add SizeToContent - Proposal #151

Closed SkySpiritDev closed 7 months ago

SkySpiritDev commented 7 months ago

It would be great to have a SizeToContent method on the window so that the window size adjusts to the content.

There is a similar property in WPF.


dotMorten commented 7 months ago

Thank you for the suggestion. Unfortunately I don't see a good hook for this at the Window level. You'd need some sort of custom control as the root object that overrides the measure step. Since I don't see a good obvious solution I can do at the WinUIEx level, I'm closing it here.

I'd suggest logging this feature request in the WinUI repo instead.

SkySpiritDev commented 7 months ago

Ok, thanks for feedback.