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typing for useXyzQuery helpers doesn't generate Ref type for variables (typescript-vue-urql plugin) #194

Open farin opened 2 years ago

farin commented 2 years ago

Related to @graphql-codegen/typescript-vue-urql

Current implementation

useQuery from urlq supports Ref variables (with internal MaybeRef type as MaybeRef<T> = T | Ref<T>)

see following example

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { useQuery } from '@urql/vue'
import { ProductListDocument  } from '~~/generated/graphql'

const category = ref('fashion')
const { data } = useQuery({
  query: ProdudctListDocument,
  variables: { category, limit: 10 },

and such query is reactive. Reloading data every time category ref is changes

But generated helpers useProductListQuery in this case accepts only T, not Ref

Proposed usage

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { useQuery } from '@urql/vue'
import { useProductListQuery } from '~~/generated/graphql'

const category = ref('fashion')
const { data } = useProductListQuery({
  variables: { category, limit: 10 },

There is no reason for it as helpers is only wrapper around useQuery. (Someone can call this issue a bug instead of feature request)

Tinoooo commented 2 years ago

To make this work, you can wrap your variables in a computed.

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { useProductListQuery } from '~~/generated/graphql'

const category = ref('fashion')
const variables = computed(() => ({ category: category.value, limit: 10 }))

const { data } = useProductListQuery({ variables })
lrstanley commented 1 year ago

And if you're looking for Ref or ComputedRef via a lower level Maybe'd field, like I am:

schema: ../../../internal/graphql/schema/*.gql
documents: ./src/lib/api/*.gql
      - typescript
      - typescript-operations
      - typescript-vue-urql
      inputMaybeValue: T | Ref<T> | ComputedRef<T> # this specifically
tdebooij commented 3 months ago

I created a PR to fix this but so far have not heard anything

yurks commented 1 month ago

That's an issue with @urql/vue, which was fixed and released with v1.2.2.

So, all you need is update your project dependency to @urql/vue@1.2.2