Describe the bug
I am trying to generate types for a Vue 3 Apollo client. The generated types.ts file has 3 errors reported in VS Code:
Error 1
ERROR in src/generated/graphql.ts:3:36
TS2307: Cannot find module '@vue/composition-api' or its corresponding type declarations.
1 | import gql from 'graphql-tag';
2 | import * as VueApolloComposable from '@vue/apollo-composable';
3 | import * as VueCompositionApi from '@vue/composition-api';
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Error 2
A 'const' initializer in an ambient context must be a string or numeric literal or literal enum reference.ts(1254)
714 | export const AllOrgUnitsDocument = gql 715 | query allOrgUnits($search: String) { 716 | org_unit(where: {short_name: {_like: $search}}) { 717 | short_name 718 | legal_name 719 | parent 720 | } 721 | } 722 |;
Note that all lines shown for error two are highlighted (with red underlining.
Error 3
An implementation cannot be declared in ambient contexts.ts(1183)
739 | export function useAllOrgUnitsQuery(variables: AllOrgUnitsQueryVariables |
VueCompositionApi.Ref | ReactiveFunction = {}, options:
VueApolloComposable.UseQueryOptions<AllOrgUnitsQuery, AllOrgUnitsQueryVariables> |
VueCompositionApi.Ref<VueApolloComposable.UseQueryOptions<AllOrgUnitsQuery, AllOrgUnitsQueryVariables>> |
ReactiveFunction<VueApolloComposable.UseQueryOptions<AllOrgUnitsQuery, AllOrgUnitsQueryVariables>> = {}) {
740 | return VueApolloComposable.useQuery<AllOrgUnitsQuery, AllOrgUnitsQueryVariables>(AllOrgUnitsDocument, variables,
741 | }
The opening '{' at the end of line 739 is highlighted as the error.
schema {
query: query_root
mutation: mutation_root
subscription: subscription_root
"whether this query should be cached (Hasura Cloud only)"
directive @cached("measured in seconds" ttl: Int! = 60, "refresh the cache entry" refresh: Boolean! = false) on QUERY
scalar Float
Boolean expression to compare columns of type "Int". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input Int_comparison_exp {
_eq: Int
_gt: Int
_gte: Int
_in: [Int!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: Int
_lte: Int
_neq: Int
_nin: [Int!]
Boolean expression to compare columns of type "String". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input String_comparison_exp {
_eq: String
_gt: String
_gte: String
"does the column match the given case-insensitive pattern"
_ilike: String
_in: [String!]
"does the column match the given POSIX regular expression, case insensitive"
_iregex: String
_is_null: Boolean
"does the column match the given pattern"
_like: String
_lt: String
_lte: String
_neq: String
"does the column NOT match the given case-insensitive pattern"
_nilike: String
_nin: [String!]
"does the column NOT match the given POSIX regular expression, case insensitive"
_niregex: String
"does the column NOT match the given pattern"
_nlike: String
"does the column NOT match the given POSIX regular expression, case sensitive"
_nregex: String
"does the column NOT match the given SQL regular expression"
_nsimilar: String
"does the column match the given POSIX regular expression, case sensitive"
_regex: String
"does the column match the given SQL regular expression"
_similar: String
scalar date
Boolean expression to compare columns of type "date". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
input date_comparison_exp {
_eq: date
_gt: date
_gte: date
_in: [date!]
_is_null: Boolean
_lt: date
_lte: date
_neq: date
_nin: [date!]
"mutation root"
type mutation_root {
delete data from the table: "org_unit"
delete_org_unit("filter the rows which have to be deleted" where: org_unit_bool_exp!): org_unit_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "org_unit"
delete_org_unit_by_pk(short_name: String!): org_unit
delete data from the table: "person"
delete_person("filter the rows which have to be deleted" where: person_bool_exp!): person_mutation_response
delete single row from the table: "person"
delete_person_by_pk(id: Int!): person
insert data into the table: "org_unit"
insert_org_unit("the rows to be inserted" objects: [org_unit_insert_input!]!, "on conflict condition" on_conflict: org_unit_on_conflict): org_unit_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "org_unit"
insert_org_unit_one("the row to be inserted" object: org_unit_insert_input!, "on conflict condition" on_conflict: org_unit_on_conflict): org_unit
insert data into the table: "person"
insert_person("the rows to be inserted" objects: [person_insert_input!]!, "on conflict condition" on_conflict: person_on_conflict): person_mutation_response
insert a single row into the table: "person"
insert_person_one("the row to be inserted" object: person_insert_input!, "on conflict condition" on_conflict: person_on_conflict): person
update data of the table: "org_unit"
update_org_unit("sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values" _set: org_unit_set_input, "filter the rows which have to be updated" where: org_unit_bool_exp!): org_unit_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "org_unit"
update_org_unit_by_pk("sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values" _set: org_unit_set_input, pk_columns: org_unit_pk_columns_input!): org_unit
update data of the table: "person"
update_person("increments the numeric columns with given value of the filtered values" _inc: person_inc_input, "sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values" _set: person_set_input, "filter the rows which have to be updated" where: person_bool_exp!): person_mutation_response
update single row of the table: "person"
update_person_by_pk("increments the numeric columns with given value of the filtered values" _inc: person_inc_input, "sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values" _set: person_set_input, pk_columns: person_pk_columns_input!): person
"column ordering options"
enum order_by {
"in ascending order, nulls last"
"in ascending order, nulls first"
"in ascending order, nulls last"
"in descending order, nulls first"
"in descending order, nulls first"
"in descending order, nulls last"
represents Clubs, CBs and the RFU, etc.
columns and relationships of "org_unit"
type org_unit {
legal_name: String!
parent: String
short_name: String!
aggregated selection of "org_unit"
type org_unit_aggregate {
aggregate: org_unit_aggregate_fields
nodes: [org_unit!]!
aggregate fields of "org_unit"
type org_unit_aggregate_fields {
count(columns: [org_unit_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int!
max: org_unit_max_fields
min: org_unit_min_fields
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "org_unit". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input org_unit_bool_exp {
_and: [org_unit_bool_exp!]
_not: org_unit_bool_exp
_or: [org_unit_bool_exp!]
legal_name: String_comparison_exp
parent: String_comparison_exp
short_name: String_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "org_unit"
enum org_unit_constraint {
"unique or primary key constraint"
input type for inserting data into table "org_unit"
input org_unit_insert_input {
legal_name: String
parent: String
short_name: String
"aggregate max on columns"
type org_unit_max_fields {
legal_name: String
parent: String
short_name: String
"aggregate min on columns"
type org_unit_min_fields {
legal_name: String
parent: String
short_name: String
response of any mutation on the table "org_unit"
type org_unit_mutation_response {
"number of rows affected by the mutation"
affected_rows: Int!
"data from the rows affected by the mutation"
returning: [org_unit!]!
on conflict condition type for table "org_unit"
input org_unit_on_conflict {
constraint: org_unit_constraint!
update_columns: [org_unit_update_column!]! = []
where: org_unit_bool_exp
Ordering options when selecting data from "org_unit".
input org_unit_order_by {
legal_name: order_by
parent: order_by
short_name: order_by
"primary key columns input for table: org_unit"
input org_unit_pk_columns_input {
short_name: String!
select columns of table "org_unit"
enum org_unit_select_column {
"column name"
"column name"
"column name"
input type for updating data in table "org_unit"
input org_unit_set_input {
legal_name: String
parent: String
short_name: String
update columns of table "org_unit"
enum org_unit_update_column {
"column name"
"column name"
"column name"
represents people involved in or supporting the sport
columns and relationships of "person"
type person {
dob: date!
family_name: String!
gender: String!
given_name: String!
id: Int!
known_as: String
other_names: String
primary_org_unit: String
aggregated selection of "person"
type person_aggregate {
aggregate: person_aggregate_fields
nodes: [person!]!
aggregate fields of "person"
type person_aggregate_fields {
avg: person_avg_fields
count(columns: [person_select_column!], distinct: Boolean): Int!
max: person_max_fields
min: person_min_fields
stddev: person_stddev_fields
stddev_pop: person_stddev_pop_fields
stddev_samp: person_stddev_samp_fields
sum: person_sum_fields
var_pop: person_var_pop_fields
var_samp: person_var_samp_fields
variance: person_variance_fields
"aggregate avg on columns"
type person_avg_fields {
id: Float
Boolean expression to filter rows from the table "person". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'.
input person_bool_exp {
_and: [person_bool_exp!]
_not: person_bool_exp
_or: [person_bool_exp!]
dob: date_comparison_exp
family_name: String_comparison_exp
gender: String_comparison_exp
given_name: String_comparison_exp
id: Int_comparison_exp
known_as: String_comparison_exp
other_names: String_comparison_exp
primary_org_unit: String_comparison_exp
unique or primary key constraints on table "person"
enum person_constraint {
"unique or primary key constraint"
input type for incrementing numeric columns in table "person"
input person_inc_input {
id: Int
input type for inserting data into table "person"
input person_insert_input {
dob: date
family_name: String
gender: String
given_name: String
id: Int
known_as: String
other_names: String
primary_org_unit: String
"aggregate max on columns"
type person_max_fields {
dob: date
family_name: String
gender: String
given_name: String
id: Int
known_as: String
other_names: String
primary_org_unit: String
"aggregate min on columns"
type person_min_fields {
dob: date
family_name: String
gender: String
given_name: String
id: Int
known_as: String
other_names: String
primary_org_unit: String
response of any mutation on the table "person"
type person_mutation_response {
"number of rows affected by the mutation"
affected_rows: Int!
"data from the rows affected by the mutation"
returning: [person!]!
on conflict condition type for table "person"
input person_on_conflict {
constraint: person_constraint!
update_columns: [person_update_column!]! = []
where: person_bool_exp
Ordering options when selecting data from "person".
input person_order_by {
dob: order_by
family_name: order_by
gender: order_by
given_name: order_by
id: order_by
known_as: order_by
other_names: order_by
primary_org_unit: order_by
"primary key columns input for table: person"
input person_pk_columns_input {
id: Int!
select columns of table "person"
enum person_select_column {
"column name"
"column name"
"column name"
"column name"
"column name"
"column name"
"column name"
"column name"
input type for updating data in table "person"
input person_set_input {
dob: date
family_name: String
gender: String
given_name: String
id: Int
known_as: String
other_names: String
primary_org_unit: String
"aggregate stddev on columns"
type person_stddev_fields {
id: Float
"aggregate stddev_pop on columns"
type person_stddev_pop_fields {
id: Float
"aggregate stddev_samp on columns"
type person_stddev_samp_fields {
id: Float
"aggregate sum on columns"
type person_sum_fields {
id: Int
update columns of table "person"
enum person_update_column {
"column name"
"column name"
"column name"
"column name"
"column name"
"column name"
"column name"
"column name"
"aggregate var_pop on columns"
type person_var_pop_fields {
id: Float
"aggregate var_samp on columns"
type person_var_samp_fields {
id: Float
"aggregate variance on columns"
type person_variance_fields {
id: Float
type query_root {
fetch data from the table: "org_unit"
org_unit("distinct select on columns" distinct_on: [org_unit_select_column!], "limit the number of rows returned" limit: Int, "skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by" offset: Int, "sort the rows by one or more columns" order_by: [org_unit_order_by!], "filter the rows returned" where: org_unit_bool_exp): [org_unit!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "org_unit"
org_unit_aggregate("distinct select on columns" distinct_on: [org_unit_select_column!], "limit the number of rows returned" limit: Int, "skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by" offset: Int, "sort the rows by one or more columns" order_by: [org_unit_order_by!], "filter the rows returned" where: org_unit_bool_exp): org_unit_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "org_unit" using primary key columns
org_unit_by_pk(short_name: String!): org_unit
fetch data from the table: "person"
person("distinct select on columns" distinct_on: [person_select_column!], "limit the number of rows returned" limit: Int, "skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by" offset: Int, "sort the rows by one or more columns" order_by: [person_order_by!], "filter the rows returned" where: person_bool_exp): [person!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "person"
person_aggregate("distinct select on columns" distinct_on: [person_select_column!], "limit the number of rows returned" limit: Int, "skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by" offset: Int, "sort the rows by one or more columns" order_by: [person_order_by!], "filter the rows returned" where: person_bool_exp): person_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "person" using primary key columns
person_by_pk(id: Int!): person
type subscription_root {
fetch data from the table: "org_unit"
org_unit("distinct select on columns" distinct_on: [org_unit_select_column!], "limit the number of rows returned" limit: Int, "skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by" offset: Int, "sort the rows by one or more columns" order_by: [org_unit_order_by!], "filter the rows returned" where: org_unit_bool_exp): [org_unit!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "org_unit"
org_unit_aggregate("distinct select on columns" distinct_on: [org_unit_select_column!], "limit the number of rows returned" limit: Int, "skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by" offset: Int, "sort the rows by one or more columns" order_by: [org_unit_order_by!], "filter the rows returned" where: org_unit_bool_exp): org_unit_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "org_unit" using primary key columns
org_unit_by_pk(short_name: String!): org_unit
fetch data from the table: "person"
person("distinct select on columns" distinct_on: [person_select_column!], "limit the number of rows returned" limit: Int, "skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by" offset: Int, "sort the rows by one or more columns" order_by: [person_order_by!], "filter the rows returned" where: person_bool_exp): [person!]!
fetch aggregated fields from the table: "person"
person_aggregate("distinct select on columns" distinct_on: [person_select_column!], "limit the number of rows returned" limit: Int, "skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by" offset: Int, "sort the rows by one or more columns" order_by: [person_order_by!], "filter the rows returned" where: person_bool_exp): person_aggregate!
fetch data from the table: "person" using primary key columns
person_by_pk(id: Int!): person
Expected behavior
I would expect the generated types.ds not to throw TS errors.
Furthermore, I get a further TypeScript error when I try to import the query from the document file, stating:
Cannot find module '../graphql/allOrgUnits.query.gql' or its corresponding type declarations.ts(2307).
As the query is working and data is retrieved, I assume the problem is that the types declaratiosn are not found. This is a pain as I get no TypeScript intellisense for this object.
OS: Windows 10
NodeJS: v16.13.0
Additional context
See the package.json file thai I have included above.
I am using Vue 3 Githubissues.
Githubissues is a development platform for aggregating issues.
Describe the bug I am trying to generate types for a Vue 3 Apollo client. The generated types.ts file has 3 errors reported in VS Code:
Error 1
ERROR in src/generated/graphql.ts:3:36 TS2307: Cannot find module '@vue/composition-api' or its corresponding type declarations. 1 | import gql from 'graphql-tag'; 2 | import * as VueApolloComposable from '@vue/apollo-composable';
Error 2 A 'const' initializer in an ambient context must be a string or numeric literal or literal enum reference.ts(1254) 714 | export const AllOrgUnitsDocument = gql
715 | query allOrgUnits($search: String) { 716 | org_unit(where: {short_name: {_like: $search}}) { 717 | short_name 718 | legal_name 719 | parent 720 | } 721 | } 722 |
; Note that all lines shown for error two are highlighted (with red underlining.Error 3 An implementation cannot be declared in ambient contexts.ts(1183) 739 | export function useAllOrgUnitsQuery(variables: AllOrgUnitsQueryVariables | VueCompositionApi.Ref | ReactiveFunction = {}, options:
VueApolloComposable.UseQueryOptions<AllOrgUnitsQuery, AllOrgUnitsQueryVariables> |
VueCompositionApi.Ref<VueApolloComposable.UseQueryOptions<AllOrgUnitsQuery, AllOrgUnitsQueryVariables>> |
ReactiveFunction<VueApolloComposable.UseQueryOptions<AllOrgUnitsQuery, AllOrgUnitsQueryVariables>> = {}) {
740 | return VueApolloComposable.useQuery<AllOrgUnitsQuery, AllOrgUnitsQueryVariables>(AllOrgUnitsDocument, variables,
741 | }
The opening '{' at the end of line 739 is highlighted as the error.
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
config file:package.json
fileExpected behavior I would expect the generated types.ds not to throw TS errors.
Furthermore, I get a further TypeScript error when I try to import the query from the document file, stating: Cannot find module '../graphql/allOrgUnits.query.gql' or its corresponding type declarations.ts(2307). As the query is working and data is retrieved, I assume the problem is that the types declaratiosn are not found. This is a pain as I get no TypeScript intellisense for this object.
:Additional context See the package.json file thai I have included above. I am using Vue 3 Githubissues.