dotastro / hacks-collector

dotAstronomy Hacks Collector: a repository for past and present dotAstronomy hacks
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Add optional fields that help justify dotastronomy conferences to funders #36

Open barentsen opened 8 years ago

barentsen commented 8 years ago

We should think about adding optional metadata fields that help justify #dotastro to funders.

Such fields may include:

Any other ideas?

barentsen commented 8 years ago

pinging @drarnakarick

astrofrog commented 8 years ago

I agree, we could have an 'impact' field that has a paragraph summary of how the hack evolved in future and had an impact? (can be updated over time)

barentsen commented 8 years ago

Just a thought: if there are separate fields for skills-learned, research-impact technologies-used, and testimonial, participants will likely provide more details on those aspects than if there were a single impact field.

On the other hand, too many fields may scare and confuse.

drarnakarick commented 8 years ago

@astrofrog Mandatory fields that would have made it easier to generate this: .Astronomy Hacks – Image Gallery include twitter-handle/s as well as the twitter url, dotastro-conference-number and image which can simply be a photo, a screen-capture of a demo hack, or a twitter image.