dotchen / LAV

(CVPR 2022) A minimalist, mapless, end-to-end self-driving stack for joint perception, prediction, planning and control.
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Issue when I try to use route-based scenario from scenario runner with agent lav #49

Open TahaCarla opened 1 month ago

TahaCarla commented 1 month ago

Hey thanks, for your great work, hope you can help me know the reason for these issues

I set everything from install correctly and want to use pretrained weights to test lav agent on scenario_runner. When I try to run it with dummy agent, it gives me the following errors: (LAV-env) C:\Users\taha\Desktop\LAV\LAV\scenario_runner>python --route C:\Users\taha\Desktop\LAV\LAV\assets\routes_lav_valid.xml C:\Users\taha\Desktop\LAV\LAV\leaderboard\data\all_towns_traffic_scenarios_public.json 0 --agent C:\Users\taha\Desktop\LAV\LAV\leaderboard\leaderboard\autoagents\ DeprecationWarning: distutils Version classes are deprecated. Use packaging.version instead. if LooseVersion(dist.version) < LooseVersion('0.9.8'): Preparing scenario: RouteScenario_0 Base transform is blocking objects Transform(Location(x=185.695465, y=257.345886, z=1.210000), Rotation(pitch=0.000000, yaw=360.039185, roll=0.000000)) Base transform is blocking objects Transform(Location(x=185.695114, y=257.845886, z=1.210000), Rotation(pitch=0.000000, yaw=360.039185, roll=0.000000)) Base transform is blocking objects Transform(Location(x=185.694778, y=258.345886, z=1.210000), Rotation(pitch=0.000000, yaw=360.039185, roll=0.000000)) Base transform is blocking objects Transform(Location(x=185.694443, y=258.845886, z=1.210000), Rotation(pitch=0.000000, yaw=360.039185, roll=0.000000)) Base transform is blocking objects Transform(Location(x=185.694092, y=259.345886, z=1.210000), Rotation(pitch=0.000000, yaw=360.039185, roll=0.000000)) Base transform is blocking objects Transform(Location(x=185.693756, y=259.845886, z=1.210000), Rotation(pitch=0.000000, yaw=360.039185, roll=0.000000)) Skipping scenario 'Scenario4' due to setup error: Error: Unable to spawn vehicle vehicle.diamondback.century at Transform(Location(x=185.693756, y=259.845886, z=1.210000), Rotation(pitch=0.000000, yaw=360.039185, roll=0.000000)) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 398, in _load_and_run_scenario self.manager.load_scenario(scenario, self.agent_instance) File "C:\Users\taha\Desktop\LAV\LAV\scenario_runner\srunner\scenariomanager\", line 112, in load_scenario self._agent.setup_sensors(self.ego_vehicles[0], self._debug_mode) File "C:\Users\taha\Desktop\LAV\LAV\scenario_runner\srunner\autoagents\", line 81, in setup_sensors sensor.listen(CallBack(sensor_spec['id'], sensor, self._agent.sensor_interface)) File "C:\Users\taha\Desktop\LAV\LAV\scenario_runner\srunner\autoagents\", line 31, in init self._data_provider.register_sensor(tag, sensor) TypeError: register_sensor() missing 1 required positional argument: 'sensor' register_sensor() missing 1 required positional argument: 'sensor' No more scenarios .... Exiting

The evaluator also gives this error when i try to run it

(LAV-env) C:\Users\taha\Desktop\LAV\LAV\leaderboard\leaderboard> python --scenarios=${SCENARIOS} --routes=${ROUTES} --track=${CHALLENGE_TRACK_CODENAME} --checkpoint=${CHECKPOINT_ENDPOINT} --agent=${TEAM_AGENT} --agent-config=${TEAM_CONFIG} --record=${RECORD_PATH} --resume=${RESUME} DeprecationWarning: distutils Version classes are deprecated. Use packaging.version instead. if LooseVersion(dist.version) < LooseVersion('0.9.10'): Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 457, in main leaderboard_evaluator = LeaderboardEvaluator(arguments, statistics_manager) File "", line 91, in init self.module_agent = importlib.import_module(module_name) File "C:\Users\taha\anaconda3\envs\LAV-env\lib\", line 127, in import_module return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level) File "", line 1006, in _gcd_import File "", line 983, in _find_and_load File "", line 965, in _find_and_load_unlocked ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '${TEAM_AGENT}' Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 467, in main() File "", line 463, in main del leaderboard_evaluator UnboundLocalError: local variable 'leaderboard_evaluator' referenced before assignment Exception ignored in: <function LeaderboardEvaluator.del at 0x0000022DA1D47708> Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 118, in del__ self._cleanup() File "", line 130, in _cleanup if self.manager and self.manager.get_running_status() \ AttributeError: 'LeaderboardEvaluator' object has no attribute 'manager'

THis error happens when I try to run with the LAV agent also WHen I try to run Carla with -vulkan flag it shows the message in the picture

(LAV-env) C:\Users\taha\Desktop\LAV\LAV\scenario_runner>python --route image C:\Users\taha\Desktop\LAV\LAV\assets\routes_lav_valid.xml C:\Users\taha\Desktop\LAV\LAV\leaderboard\data\all_towns_traffic_scenarios_public.json 0 --agent C:\Users\taha\Desktop\LAV\LAV\team_code_v2\ --agentConfig C:\Users\taha\Desktop\LAV\LAV\team_code_v2\config.yaml DeprecationWarning: distutils Version classes are deprecated. Use packaging.version instead. if LooseVersion(dist.version) < LooseVersion('0.9.8'): Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 593, in sys.exit(main()) File "", line 582, in main scenario_runner = ScenarioRunner(arguments) File "", line 102, in init self.module_agent = importlib.import_module(module_name) File "C:\Users\taha\anaconda3\envs\LAV-env\lib\", line 127, in import_module return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level) File "", line 1006, in _gcd_import File "", line 983, in _find_and_load File "", line 967, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "", line 677, in _load_unlocked File "", line 728, in exec_module File "", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed File "C:\Users\taha\Desktop\LAV\LAV\team_code_v2\", line 17, in from models.lidar import LiDARModel File "C:\Users\taha\Desktop\LAV\LAV\team_code_v2\models\", line 1 ../../lav/models/ ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax