dotcypress / ula

μLA: Micro Logic Analyzer for RP2040
Apache License 2.0
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Assigning non aligned pins #4

Open tobozo opened 1 year ago

tobozo commented 1 year ago

Hi and thanks for this great project!

It works out of the box on a Waveshare RP2040-LCD-0.96. That device has an onboard display connected to pins [8..12] though, and I'm worried that the readings on those pins may be incorrect.

I have tried to modify the source to assign a different set of pins but I'm only discovering rust and obviously didn't get the expected results.

        // pins.gpio8.into_mode::<FunctionPio0>();  // TFT DC
        // pins.gpio9.into_mode::<FunctionPio0>();  // TFT CS
        // pins.gpio10.into_mode::<FunctionPio0>(); // TFT SCLK
        // pins.gpio11.into_mode::<FunctionPio0>(); // TFT MOSI
        // pins.gpio12.into_mode::<FunctionPio0>(); // TFT RST
        // added this

I understand this breaks the pins alignment and may affect any logic using the pins array index as an offset information, but I haven't spotted where this could happen (, and I'm not even sure core logic would allow it.

Is that idea even realistic?

Sorry about the dumb questions, feel free to close if this is out of scope for this project.

dotcypress commented 1 year ago

There are a few ways to do this:

tobozo commented 1 year ago

thanks for the quick reply!

Easy one

Pin25 is in the way and disabling the status led in the code would probably not free that channel as pin25 is also TFT backlight for the Waveshare device.

Hard one

I'll try this one and will update this thread with the progress :crossed_fingers:

tobozo commented 1 year ago


I can't figure out the strategy to reimplement the data packing algorithm though and I haven't fully understood the current mechanics, so I apologize about the dumb questions:

Sparse pin configuration: my C/C++ reflexes are telling me to create an array with the pin numbers to match index with values later, but it somehow feels wrong:

pub const ANALYZER_PIN_MAP: [u8; 16] = [
    0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
    13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

Data packing algorithm: I'm tempted to skip samples based on their order, but this is assuming that a sample contains the pin states for every 32 pins on the rp2040, and I'm not sure this assumption is true.

for full_gpio_chunk in sample_mem.chunks(64)