dotgreg / advCasioBangleClock

[Bangle.js clock] An over-engineered clock inspired by Casio watches. It has a 4 days weather, a timer using swipe and a scratchpad. Can be updated using a dedicated webapp.
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Reduce memory usage [banglejs1] #1

Open dapgo opened 2 years ago

dapgo commented 2 years ago

For the usage on a bangle.js1watch it would be great to reduce the memory consumption, otherwise It is almost unusable.

Maybe a lightweight fork?


New interpreter error: LOW_MEMORY,MEMORY Execution Interrupted during event processing. Interpreter error: [ "LOW_MEMORY", "MEMORY" ]

dapgo commented 2 years ago

The app works fine until the screen goes off, then when screen has to be reactivated the low mem crash happens.

However, it happens also with not that low "free mem", specially compared with the used one.

process.memory(); ={ free: 1707, usage: 877, total: 2584, history: 0, gc: 0, gctime: 6.04248046875, blocksize: 13, stackEndAddress: 536925648, flash_start: 0, flash_binary_end: 466460, flash_code_start: 1610612736, flash_length: 524288 } Execution Interrupted during event processing. Interpreter error: [ "LOW_MEMORY", "MEMORY"

dotgreg commented 2 years ago

Hello and thanks for that report, my watch unfortunately stopped working a week ago, so I will discontinue that project as I am not using it anymore and am unable to test it on a real device.

Thanks for your interest!

dapgo commented 2 years ago

Sad to listen that your watch died. Have you ask about it? Probably it can be repaired at home or send back to factory. It is a pity that after that much effort you can't use your own watch app. :(