// src/Plugin.php
namespace DoTheRightThing\WPDTRT_Plugin\r_1_4_15;
// src/Plugin.php
class Plugin { ... }
// wpdtrt-test.php
class WPDTRT_Test_Plugin extends DoTheRightThing\WPDTRT_Plugin\r_1_4_15\Plugin {}
WordPress Coding Standards
Filenames should be all lowercase with hyphens as word separators.
Class file names should be based on the class name with class- prepended
Source: Make WordPress: Naming Conventions
The terminating class name corresponds to a file name ending in .php.
The file name MUST match the case of the terminating class name.
Source: PSR-4: Autoloader
The PSR-4 standard must be matched, otherwise the autoloader won't be able to load the files associated with the classes, resulting in Class not found.
WordPress Coding Standards
The PSR-4 standard must be matched, otherwise the autoloader won't be able to load the files associated with the classes, resulting in Class not found.