Happy hacktoberfest! 🎃 👩💻 We're excited that you're interested in contributing to our project. HealthChain is still in its early days so we're still trying to figure out a lot of things - every little contribution helps us tremendously, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned professional!
Types of Contributions
Code Contributions: Issues related to improving code functionality and tests. Look for issues labeled with hacktoberfest and good-for-beginners.
Non-Code Contributions: Issues that require knowledge contribution. For domain experts, clinicians, and doctors. Look for issues labeled with hacktoberfest and non-code-contributions.
How to Contribute
Browse our issues and look for the labels mentioned above.
When you find an issue you'd like to work on, comment on it expressing your interest. There's no need to wait for assignment; your comment helps us and others know it's being worked on.
Happy hacktoberfest! 🎃 👩💻 We're excited that you're interested in contributing to our project. HealthChain is still in its early days so we're still trying to figure out a lot of things - every little contribution helps us tremendously, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned professional!
Types of Contributions
.How to Contribute
Getting Help
We're here to support you throughout your contribution process. If you have any questions or need clarification:
Happy coding! 🌟