CDA sections are currently hard-coded dictionaries inside functions, we could look into using Jinja to load templates in - would make it more configurable too.
Possible Implementation
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
import xmltodict
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing import List, Dict
class ProblemConcept(BaseModel):
code: str
display_name: str
# other fields...
class CdaAnnotator:
def __init__(self, template_dir: str):
self.env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(template_dir))
self.template = self.env.get_template('cda_template.xml') = {
'problems': [],
'medications': [],
'allergies': []
def from_xml(cls, xml_string: str, template_dir: str):
annotator = cls(template_dir)
parsed_data = xmltodict.parse(xml_string)
# Use Pydantic to validate and convert parsed data = ClinicalDocument(**parsed_data['ClinicalDocument'])
return annotator
def add_problem(self, problem: ProblemConcept):
# Pydantic model ensures data validity['problems'].append(problem.model_dump())
def export(self) -> str:
# Render the template with the current data
rendered_xml = self.template.render(
# Parse the rendered XML to ensure it's valid
parsed_xml = xmltodict.parse(rendered_xml)
# Validate the entire structure using Pydantic if needed
# Convert back to XML string
return xmltodict.unparse(parsed_xml, pretty=True)
# Usage
annotator = CdaAnnotator('path/to/templates')
problem = ProblemConcept(code='123', display_name='Hypertension')
xml_output = annotator.export()
CDA sections are currently hard-coded dictionaries inside functions, we could look into using Jinja to load templates in - would make it more configurable too.
Possible Implementation