dotintent / FlutterBleLib

Bluetooth Low Energy library for Flutter with support for simulating peripherals
Apache License 2.0
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discoverAllServicesAndCharacteristics() never returns on iOS #531

Closed KaeferUndCoins closed 3 years ago

KaeferUndCoins commented 3 years ago

EDIT posted from wrong account

Lootwig commented 3 years ago

I tried enabling verbose logging and checked the XCode output, but there is no indication for any errors. Last related output with the peripheral's UUID is

Peripheral(uuid: [DEVICE UUID], name: Optional("[Device Name]")) discoverServices(serviceUUIDs: nil)

Next up is the error when I timeout the operation and disconnect from the application level.

Android working just fine though...

mikolak commented 3 years ago

Could you check doing the same using nRF Connect? It's a free app from Nordic Semiconductors available on Appstore and Google Play.

Lootwig commented 3 years ago

That's super weird. iOS nRF doesn't detect the service I'm expecting either. Might be an issue with the device, it's a prototype - I'll have this checked out by the manufacturer.

The nRF app does however finish service discovery, I'm not familiar enough with the matter to say if this is just due to an application-side timeout or an actual difference in the handling of a (maybe?) corrupted data format etc. that doesn't seem to cause problems on Android?

I will post an update on the missing service as soon as I confirmed the issue with the manufacturer!

mikolak commented 3 years ago

nRF Connect allows you to initiate bonding with the device. Could you try that and see if the service shows up?

Lootwig commented 3 years ago

This only works in the Android version. I checked why nRF on iOS doesn't offer the option and found this article:

I'm not sure I get the bonding step though, the Ble Lib does not have a function for bonding in the API, how would I even do that using the library?