dotintent / FlutterBleLib

Bluetooth Low Energy library for Flutter with support for simulating peripherals
Apache License 2.0
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startPeripheralScan doesn't return any results on iOS if trying to scan for a device after disconnect. #568

Closed n30phyte closed 3 years ago

n30phyte commented 3 years ago


I'm trying to implement an nRF DFU upgrade feature inside an app, and similar to #535, I try searching and it stops on it's own, not returning any results.

Currently the process is as follows:

  1. Send device DFU command
  2. Disconnect from device
  3. Search for device in DFU mode via name
  4. Get id (MAC/hash)
  5. Send that identifier to another library.

On Android, 1-4 works fine. On iOS, this can only work if device is already in DFU and disconnected (done via another device/hardware switch).

I tested version 3.0.0-beta, 2.3.0, 2.2.x and it doesn't work on any of them. The following happens when step 3 occurs.

[RxBLEKit|DEBG|00:27:59.585]: CentralManager(10766039168) scanForPeripherals(
withServices: Optional("[]"),
options: Optional([:]))
[RxBLEKit|DEBG|00:27:59.587]: CentralManager(10766039168) stopScan()
n30phyte commented 3 years ago

Solved the issue by adding a 750ms delay after disconnecting before searching for the device

JasonEdinburgh commented 3 years ago

This is on my todo list. Would you mind sharing the code? or a little more information?

What library do you use in step 5?