dotintent / FlutterBleLib

Bluetooth Low Energy library for Flutter with support for simulating peripherals
Apache License 2.0
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`write(withResponse: true)` does not return response #590

Open mikolak opened 3 years ago

mikolak commented 3 years ago

write[Characteristic](withResponse: true) does not return response, which should be passed as value from the native clients.

Proposal: separate write into writeWithResponse and writeWithoutResponse, make writeWithResponse return CharacteristicWithResponse or `Uint8List.

jobfeikens commented 3 years ago

Isn't this intended behavior? WriteWithResponse means the peripheral sends back an ack (0x13) after writing to make sure the write request worked.

mikolak commented 3 years ago

Server might return a different response which would be swallowed.