dotnet-architecture / HealthChecks

Experimental Health Checks for building services, such as with ASP.NET Core
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Implement HealthCheck for RabbitMQ dependency #43

Open CESARDELATORRE opened 7 years ago

CESARDELATORRE commented 7 years ago

This probably could be done at two levels:

  1. Checking just the RabbitMQ service/server availability which is a dependency for your application or microservice, like just based on the address and port, like: rabbitmq_address:5672 This might be too limited, though...

  2. Checking a collection of specific queues and RoutingKeys (Like testing subscriptions connectivity) based on parameters like: queue: _queueName exchange: _brokerName routingKey: eventName

Probably, being able to check for a list of queues that your app/service depend on looks important for a RabbitMQ HealthCheck. Doing that only at the server/service level seems too high level, initially...