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New MS Learn module: Get started on Microservices and eShopOnContainers #30

Open nishanil opened 3 years ago

nishanil commented 3 years ago

πŸ‘‹ Hey Everyone!

One of the top feedback that we have received from you all is the complexity that eShop brings in just to get started. We looked at various options to address this problem. We decided to create an MS Learn module that will explain microservices concepts, cloud-native tech, and reduce the friction in getting started with the eShop sample.

Take a look at this free course: Create and deploy a cloud-native ASP.NET Core microservice that we built for you.

For the above module, we took an approach of "How would a developer approach building a new feature to an existing e-commerce app built using Microservices Architecture?" Though the first module focuses on building new features and deploy them to the existing AKS cluster, we have more modules planned in the path that will demystify a lot of cloud-native techs that are used under the hood. The course uses the same eShopOnContainers sample with a new UI running on AKS.

The best part about this course is that you don't need any dev environment setup. With just a browser and a valid Azure subscription, you will be able to run the samples on AKS and complete the course.

Give it a try and tell us what you think. 😊

Nish Anil /@nishanil PM .NET Team