Closed devinvisible closed 5 years ago
After a little more effort, the
file probably needs the following:
image: datalust/seq-windows:4.1.17
My suspicion is that this wouldn't have been a problem if the docker host was on a linux os.
Hi @devinvisible, you're right, this just works when using Linux containers!
There's quite few people that use Windows containers, so there are times when Windows containers are a bit behind.
I'll begin checking on this.
Thank you. I can confirm that what I suggested above will lead to a successful build. However, I'm running into another issue which I've yet to resolve:
PS C:\code\eShopOnContainers\cli-windows> .\start-windows-containers.ps1
Root path used is C:\code\eShopOnContainers\cli-windows\..
WARNING: The ESHOP_PROD_EXTERNAL_DNS_NAME_OR_IP variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARNING: The INSTRUMENTATION_KEY variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARNING: The ORCHESTRATOR_TYPE variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARNING: The ESHOP_SERVICE_BUS_USERNAME variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARNING: The ESHOP_SERVICE_BUS_PASSWORD variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARNING: The ESHOP_AZURE_STORAGE_CATALOG_NAME variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARNING: The ESHOP_AZURE_STORAGE_CATALOG_KEY variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARNING: The ESHOP_AZUREFUNC_CAMPAIGN_DETAILS_URI variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARNING: The ESHOP_AZURE_STORAGE_MARKETING_NAME variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARNING: The ESHOP_AZURE_STORAGE_MARKETING_KEY variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
eshoponcontainers_seq_1 is up-to-date
Starting eshoponcontainers_sql.data_1 ...
eshoponcontainers_webspa_1 is up-to-date
eshoponcontainers_webstatus_1 is up-to-date
eshoponcontainers_rabbitmq_1 is up-to-date
Starting eshoponcontainers_sql.data_1 ... error
Starting eshoponcontainers_nosql.data_1 ...
Starting eshoponcontainers_payment.api_1 ...
Starting eshoponcontainers_nosql.data_1 ... error
ERROR: for eshoponcontainers_sql.data_1 Cannot start service The requested compute system operation is not valid in the current state.
Starting eshoponcontainers_payment.api_1 ... done
ERROR: for Cannot start service The requested compute system operation is not valid in the current state.
ERROR: for Cannot start service The requested compute system operation is not valid in the current state.
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
Restarting my host resolved that issue but I ran into yet another issue and I'm over this. I'm going to abandon trying to get this setup in windows containers and closing this issue.
ERROR: for eshoponcontainers_identity.api_1 Cannot start service identity.api: container 670a47dc93cc7776b5688db6768dca1defca9e8df67049dcf3b51f9083996069 encountered an error during CreateProcess: failure in a Windows system call: The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation. (0x139f)
[Event Detail: Transport Error Provider: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000]
[Event Detail: onecore\vm\compute\common\bridge\bridgerelay.cpp(187)\vmcomputeagent.exe!00007FF653E40F42: (caller: 00007FF653DBB8F3) Exception(4) tid(364) 8007139F The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation.
Msg:[Transport Error] CallContext:[\Bridge_ProcessMessage\ComputeSystemManager_ExecuteProcess\VmHostedContainer_ExecuteProcess]
Provider: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000] extra info: {"CommandLine":"dotnet Identity.API.dll","User":"ContainerUser","WorkingDirectory":"C:\\app","Environment":{"ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT":"Development","ASPNETCORE_URLS":"","ApplicationInsights__InstrumentationKey":"","BasketApiClient":"","ConnectionString":";Database=Microsoft.eShopOnContainers.Service.IdentityDb;User Id=sa;Password=Pass@word","DOTNET_RUNNING_IN_CONTAINER":"true","LocationApiClient":"","MarketingApiClient":"","MobileShoppingAggClient":"","MvcClient":"","OrchestratorType":"","OrderingApiClient":"","SpaClient":"","UseCustomizationData":"True","WebShoppingAggClient":"","WebhooksApiClient":"","WebhooksWebClient":"","XamarinCallback":"http://:5105/xamarincallback"},"CreateStdInPipe":true,"CreateStdOutPipe":true,"CreateStdErrPipe":true,"Console
If it works for you, and taking advantage from .NET Core, it'd probably be better to use Linux containers as it's a MUCH faster build time and it's the version that gets most attention by far.
Last time I built for Windows containers it took more that 1:30 hours to build, while for Linux containers it takes ~20 min in my machine.
Hope this helps.
I'm trying to follow the instructions on the following wiki page but am running into problems:
Here's my environment
Following the deployment instructions, I ran
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f build
first, which completed without error. I thencd cli-windows
and ran.\start-windows-containers.ps1
which worked for a while before showing the following message:Docker is setup for windows containers so this message confused me. The instructions mentioned that the powershell script sets up some environment and runs a docker-compose up command under the hood so I tried running that by hand and received the same result:
I recalled seeing "seq" mentioned during the build command. I re-ran docker-compose build using the same arguments I used with docker-compose up (which is more than what the wiki instructions suggestions... which btw, have an extra, erroneous
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml -f -f build`The "seq" line seen is:
The docker-compose build output constantly states that images are being tagged ending with ":linux-latest" which seems suspicious.
I'm not sure what I'm missing. My understanding is that this should have just stood up and worked. What might I be missing?