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.NET Foundation Campaign: Juan Blanco #103

Closed juanfranblanco closed 5 years ago

juanfranblanco commented 5 years ago

title: Juan Blanco layout: default image: []

.NET Foundation Campaign: Juan Blanco

Why I'm Running

I believe .Net is the best development framework out there, .Net is advancing dramatically and currently provides (and will provide in some areas) the best integrated solution for any development.

Nevertheless, this is not yet a walk in the park, as there are many challenges we currently suffer as a community.

These are some of my thoughts of what we currently need, and think running as a candidate can bring some food for thought on these areas, regardless of the outcome.

Foundation driven .Net Road Map and .Net tooling

Up until now .Net roadmap has been driven (IMHO) mainly by Microsoft, especially after the acquisition of Xamarin. The Mono and Xamarin team, together with the Alt community added a great value to the space, as they were always exploring alternative areas (OSS, other platforms) and complemented the existing Microsoft road map.

The Foundation should be also an independent driver of the road map, allowing the .Net world to reach, and continuously reach spaces that are not be part of the current road map of Microsoft.

A first step towards this will be to first map out broadly some of the OSS .Net tooling in different areas. (By this I don't mean each nuget of course).

Sustainability and funding of Open Source projects

Open source projects should not be a hobby, driven by love and not sleep which are exploited by companies without giving anything on return. If you follow some of the .Net OSS frameworks in twitter you would have notice the daily struggle they have due to this.

When a project becomes a success, or is part of overall roadmap, the Foundation should find ways to monetise the development and continuous support of a project.

These OSS projects are the drivers of the .Net world, providing the solutions expected by anybody that choses .Net as their preferred platform.

Their success and future maintainability provides and ensures the ROI of any company or developer that decides to invest in .Net.

Another sad example is that .Net innovation being discarded due to lack of funding, and later on exploited in every other platform like RX.

Integrated simplicity / avoid millions of frameworks

The Foundation should encourage collaboration and integration of the different projects, to provide a complete solution that our customers (companies and developers) can rely on.

Over the years (this might my unpopular opinion) we have seen in many spaces many frameworks and components developed that constantly duplicate existing efforts.

The Javascript world is a good example of this where we don't know which UI framework is going to be the latest trend.

A great example of the opposite is WinForms, and how it has lasted all these years, it is still maintained, and now being ported to .Net Core. This is what we continuously need do in the .Net. space.

The creation of many different frameworks, may lead to innovation in some areas, but for any company this does not provide a clear way of investment road map for any technology.

Innovation in the OSS community should be encouraged as "spikes", which later on would be added into existing frameworks within the .Net Foundation, and of course it might be scenarios where they provide a great value as an standalone new solution.

Solutions should be simple.

.Net should not be hard to get started and provide great results straight away. The Foundation should actively encourage, promote and fund this.

A great example of this is yet again Winforms (on get started quickly) but better core as it provides a very simple approach to get started providing great frameworks under the hood, which you only need to surface when needed.

I would like to see the same as Asp.Net core in other platforms, my children should be able to create a mobile, desktop (windows, Linux, mac), game, iot, web (html or wasm) application as easy as they create a winforms app, using the best frameworks (rx, prism, cross) in a simple integrated manner and out of the box designs (graphic).


I have used my children as an example already, education is important, not just for existing developers but for new generations. It saddens me that the in any codeclub or even academy we are not seeing .Net as the chosen platform. Whilst python and java are great, they don't provide the tools for what children want to do and experience, create mobile / desktop applications and of course games.

.Net provides the best platform to create any application targeting any device, but there is not enough material for it, of course this comes hand in hand with the simplicity with the frameworks and how to get started in each platform.

Of course, existing developers are not children any more, but if the Foundation can provide material that children can understand, existing .Net or other platform developers would see the benefit straight away for their projects. The Foundation should be providing examples targeting every platform, leveraging all existing frameworks.

One of the best examples, for me, was the original IBuySpy. For everyone who does not know, IBuySpy was the example commerce site that shipped with .Net Beta 1. IBuySpy covered everything you need to create a commerce site, together with guided instructions / documentation in each of the pages / code on what topic was covered there.

We have seen many samples like that, but sadly they come and go each Build. Ideally we need a simple maintained sample that gets continuously updated with new capabilities.

.Net promotion and understanding

.Net is a hard sale in some spaces, there has been so much FUD driven towards its creators over the years, that people have still a complete a misunderstanding of it.

I have experienced first hand the sadness of new generations chose alternative platforms due to their lack of understanding of what benefits it offers. And this is sometimes my daily struggle.

What I would like to see of the Foundation is to:

Ensure the future of .Net and ROI

I mentioned ROI before, over the years companies have invested in .Net as they trusted Microsoft. We all love Microsoft and we know its commitment to .Net, but this could be thought as a single point of failure in some cases. The .Net Foundation needs to take the role that ensures that any investment made in the .Net space (at least the OSS) can be justified by any company.

.Net Everywhere

.Net excels thanks to being everywhere, this is one of the key areas of why anybody would want to invest in .Net. The Foundation needs to actively identify the gaps where this is not the case, and ensure that .Net is represented there.

My .NET Contributions

I have been actively working with .Net since the Beta1 launch in Amsterdam. I fell in love straight away with its simplicity and capabilities, and never looked back since.

I am the original creator of Nethereum, which provides solutions and samples to enable the .Net ecosystem integrate with the Ethereum blockchain, but also to provide to the Ethereum community a view of the capabilities of the .Net (Cloud, Mobile, Desktop, Web, Wasm Gaming, Cloud, etc …)

I have also attempted (emphasis on attempted) to contribute over the years to other .Net OSS projects, like Mono, NHibernate, Nancy.

Other efforts on .Net promotion have been internally, the best example I was the founder of .Net community (non-official) for CSC (now DXC).


Some very old stuff that I have made public:

Contact Information

SeanKilleen commented 5 years ago

I'm just a candidate but think the cutoff for submitting a candidacy was 12pm PST yesterday :( the ballot is already finalized and delivered and folks are voting.

juanfranblanco commented 5 years ago

Yes I submitted just in time. 7 am this morning UK == 21st March 12PM PST, but sure lets see what happens :)

SeanKilleen commented 5 years ago

Hi Juan, I just meant that the ballot is already out there and many have submitted their votes so the election is already underway. Not sure a candidate can be added. But yep, will leave that to @jongalloway. Glad you submitted!

juanfranblanco commented 5 years ago

I see what I have done wrong, PM != AM. Woke up too early to write / submit this :).

juanfranblanco commented 5 years ago

Or can be interpreted another way,,-1752,00.html, I may not be so mad after all. 24 hour clock much better.

jongalloway commented 5 years ago

Yes, sorry, this was submitted after 12 PM (noon) Pacific time. In order to be fair to everyone, we need to be strict on the deadline. Elections are every year, so you'll have another opportunity soon!

juanfranblanco commented 5 years ago

Ok thanks, next time Ill triple check the time :)