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OpenMod Project Application #132

Closed Trojaner closed 12 months ago

Trojaner commented 3 years ago

1.   General Information

Project Name: OpenMod


Contributor: Enes Sadık Özbek (@Trojaner)

Existing OSS Project? (Yes/No): Yes

Source Code URL:

Project Homepage URL (if different):

Project Transfer Signatories: Enes Sadık Özbek -

2.   Description

Please provide a brief statement about your project in terms that are understandable to the target consumer of the library or project, i.e. an elevator pitch for the project: OpenMod is a .NET based plugin framework. It supports authorization, hotreloading, plugin configurations, internalization, command handling and much more. OpenMod can be used for games, bot frameworks, web servers or anything else that needs plugin functionality.

Please provide a 1 sentence (<140 character) summary of your project to help users when searching the .NET Foundation projects OpenMod .NET plugin framework.

3.   Project Governance

Project Lead: Name: Enes Sadık Özbek Email: GitHub Profile URL: @Trojaner

Committers: @DiFFoZ @IAmSilK @rube200 @CyberAndrii are part of the team. We also have some external contributors.

Governance Model: We have a contributing guideline. New changes should be proposed and discussed on our issue tracker first. Acceptance depends on if the proposed changes are within the scope of the project and if the implementation meets the criteria in our guidelines. Aside CLA, builds and tests, all PR's must pass manual code review, LGTM analysis and not introduce new CodeQL alerts.

CLA cla-assistant is used since day one with its standard SAP Individual Contributor License Agreement.

CLA Notification Alias Provide an email address that will receive CLA related notifications from the .NET Foundation CLA automation

Project Transfer Type [ ] Assignment [x] Contribution

4.   Repository Layout

Our repository is well structured and using the mono repository pattern. Documentation resides in its owns own repository. We also maintain a list of plugins here.

5. Eligibility Criteria

Please complete the following for your project

6.   PR Plan

There is not much PR wise. The first thing we would do is publish an announcement on our Discord server and repository.

7.   Infrastructure Requirements

Please describe any infrastructure requirements for the project. For example, how will build servers be operated? Any web hosting or service hosting requirements? Do we need to set up SSL certificates or provide Authenticode Code Signing arrangement for releases?

8.   Additional Notes

OpenMod's main goal is to provide a unviversal plugin API especially targeting .NET based game servers such as Unity games. However, through abstractions and clean separation it is also a generic framework that can be used for other purposes such as web servers or bot frameworks. It provides a user system, hotreloading, permissions, plugin configurations, i18n, commands, eventing, NuGet integration, IoC & DI, and a lot of other boilerplate code.

Trojaner commented 3 years ago

Hello, what's the latest status of our application?

sbwalker commented 3 years ago

@Trojaner The Project Committee reviewed the application in February and there were concerns about the licensing. Although the license is permissive, it is not a standard OSI license and has a specific jurisdiction clause which would be challenging for the .NET Foundation to support. As a result the application was placed in the "On Hold" category. Please feel free to share any additional information you may have related to this topic. Note that the Project Committee meeting notes are all posted publicly here:

Trojaner commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your quick answer.

Although the EUPL is a less known license, it is a license that is both listed on OSI and also acknowledged as a free license by the Free Software Foundation. However, it is a copyleft license similar to the GPL license. We could change the license to a less restrictive license like MIT or Apache if this is an issue.

Sadly I cannot access the link you have posted, it redirects to a 404 page.

sbwalker commented 3 years ago

Currently the .NET Foundation does not accept projects licensed under copy-left restrictions ( this is documented in the Charter here: ). In addition, the clause in the EUPL I was referring to was "this licence shall be governed by Belgian law if the Licensor has no seat, residence or registered office inside a European Union Member State." - which would be very challenging for the .NET Foundation to support. If you are willing/able to transition the project to a more standard permissive license it would address the concerns of the Foundation. I am not sure why you cannot access the link above - if you are a member of the .NET Foundation you are supposed to be able to view it. The meeting notes are also posted here:

Trojaner commented 3 years ago

I am currently not a member of the .NET Foundation, that's why I wasn't able to access it as it seems.

We are willing to change the license and will let you know when it is done. Thank you.

Trojaner commented 3 years ago

Hello, We have changed the license to MIT.

sbwalker commented 1 year ago

Yesterday the .NET Foundation BOD voted to approve this project for Membership in the .NET Foundation. @ChrisSfanos will reach out to you shortly to initiate the onboarding process.

ChrisSfanos commented 1 year ago

Hello! We will be following the following checklist to onboard your project to the .NET Foundation. I'll post updates here as we move along


Project Onboarding

ChrisSfanos commented 1 year ago

Project transfer agreement is out for signing

Trojaner commented 1 year ago

I have signed the agreerment via DocuSign 👍

ChrisSfanos commented 1 year ago

Thanks - I'll send instructions on the CLA process tomorrow

ChrisSfanos commented 1 year ago

CLA onboarding step sent out via email

ChrisSfanos commented 1 year ago

CLA complete - remaining onboarding instructions coming out shortly - thanks!

ChrisSfanos commented 12 months ago

Onboarding is complete - welcome OpenMod to the .NET Foundation!