dotnet-foundation / projects

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[Minutes]: <March 21, 2024> #359

Closed nicoleabuhakmeh closed 3 months ago

nicoleabuhakmeh commented 5 months ago

Minutes from March 21, 2024

The Project Committee had their monthly meeting on March 21st at 5pm Eastern on Discord.

Discord link is open to current members of the Project Committee for the meeting:

Agenda Items Review of Project Applications - Tabled until April's meeting

Review of Seed Projects - Not Reviewed at this time.

Follow up on previous agenda items: - In Process. Chris Sfanos is coordinating a discussion between the current maintainers and Simon Cropp. - Submitted to BOD, Voting will take place by email. The email vote is being conducted by current President Joe Guadagno, results should be available by next board meeting. Avalonia - Offboarding as a Foundation Project. Kevin Griffin is currently working with Chris Sfanos and the Project Maintainers to finish the DocuSign paperwork. Kevin has been asked to provide a statement for the next newsletter as part of the process.

Project Support Request: NuGet Trends #336 Chris Sfanos is checking for resources for this project.

Proposed: Board Mentorship program – Projects Board Members will become the primary contact for new & current projects.​ Check in with each project every few weeks. Offering support, mentorship and community.

Open Discussion items for Members of the Project Committee

bruno-garcia commented 5 months ago

I don't have experience in foundation meetings but if it helps me attending to pitch this I'm happy to join.


andreaTP commented 3 months ago - Submitted to BOD, Voting will take place by email.

To clarify, the voting already happened and you are going to disclose the results? Or am I getting it wrong?

Thanks in advance. cc. @baywet

CypherPotato commented 3 months ago

So, this project was commited to be discussed in this meeting, but got no feedback from the committee. Am I missing something ?