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Date, Time, Time Zone
July 14th at 7PM Eastern
Presenter Info
Siva Kumar, Software Architect, Computer Enterprises, Inc.
.NET Core
Dapr (Distributed Application Runtime) is a portable, event-driven runtime that makes it easy for developers to build resilient, microservice stateless and stateful applications that run on the cloud. In this session, we will go through an overview of Dapr, how it enables distributed application development. Dapr brings proven patterns and practices to you. It unifies event-driven, and actors semantics into a simple, consistent programming model and Dapr supports all programming languages without framework lock-in. This talk goes more in-depth into these building blocks of distributed microservices such as state stores, messaging, resource bindings, etc. with demos and workflow of the deployment of services and runtime.
Speaker Bio
Siva is a software architect working at Computer Enterprises, Inc. (, helping teams build and deliver mobile, IoT, and cloud and architecture specifications. When he’s not busy leading the way on building innovative tech, he loves developer community-related work where he can share projects and learn from other developers.
Building Event-Driven Apps with Dapr in Kubernetes with Siva Kumar
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Date, Time, Time Zone
July 14th at 7PM Eastern
Presenter Info
Siva Kumar, Software Architect, Computer Enterprises, Inc.
Dapr (Distributed Application Runtime) is a portable, event-driven runtime that makes it easy for developers to build resilient, microservice stateless and stateful applications that run on the cloud. In this session, we will go through an overview of Dapr, how it enables distributed application development. Dapr brings proven patterns and practices to you. It unifies event-driven, and actors semantics into a simple, consistent programming model and Dapr supports all programming languages without framework lock-in. This talk goes more in-depth into these building blocks of distributed microservices such as state stores, messaging, resource bindings, etc. with demos and workflow of the deployment of services and runtime.
Speaker Bio
Siva is a software architect working at Computer Enterprises, Inc. (, helping teams build and deliver mobile, IoT, and cloud and architecture specifications. When he’s not busy leading the way on building innovative tech, he loves developer community-related work where he can share projects and learn from other developers.
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