dotnet-websharper / core

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Compilation error with .NET 6, SqlProgrammabilityProvider and WebSharper #1264

Open granicz opened 2 years ago

granicz commented 2 years ago

(Reported by Clinton Düll - see original forum ticket at

An F# .Net 6 library using SqlProgrammabilityProvider will fail to compile if the WebSharper.FSharp package is referenced. The following error arises: error FS3033: The type provider 'FSharp.Data.SqlProgrammabilityProvider' reported an error: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Data.SqlClient, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'. Reference assemblies should not be loaded for execution. They can only be loaded in the Reflection-only loader context. (0x80131058).

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a new F# .Net 6 library in Visual Studio 2022 with FSharp.Core 6.0.5
  2. Add the nuget package FSharp.Data.SqlClient 2.1.2
  3. Add a reference to SqlProgrammabilityProvider - e.g. type S = SqlProgrammabilityProvider<""> (ignore the empty string compilation error, or add a valid connection string).
  4. Add the nuget package WebSharper.FSharp
  5. Compiling will now show the above error.

I'm reorganising a project and may not need this combination, but spent some time narrowing down the issue. The dependency of SqlProgrammabilityProvider on the .Net Framework at compile time may be of interest (

granicz commented 2 years ago

As a first check, I tried disabling the Booster by adding <WebSharperStandalone>True</WebSharperStandalone> to the project file. Same result. It seems this is an fsc.exe <-> wsfsc.exe issue. @Jand42 Let's take a deeper look.

Jand42 commented 2 years ago

I'm looking at this, this must be something in fsc.exe vs Compile API in FSharp.Compiler.Services. Error happens during F# compilation via FCS, not in any WebSharper logic, so that at least narrows it down.

cadull commented 2 years ago

Following the trail of compilation issues with FSharp.Data.SqlClient, leads to recent activity by its developers to find a solution I'm working towards separating my usage of SqlProgrammabilityProvider and WebSharper into different libraries, which suits my particular project. Otherwise, I wonder if the workarounds that include a fsc.props file to manipulate the build tooling would work

Jand42 commented 1 year ago

@cadull @granicz Sorry for the late answer but there is no easy solution, except maybe going back to using WebSharper 4.x which has net4x compilation support.

WebSharper 5/6 runs the compiler on .NET 5/6, which includes doing the F# compilation too and there is no net4x fallback. So you won't gain anything by trying to force the F# compilation task to the net4x compiler, as WebSharper is skipping that anyways to do F#+JS compilations in single execution. An fsc.props trick could work to get a project using SQLProvider build via dotnet build but not with WebSharper for this reason.

Underlying cause is that SQLProvider TP is non-compliant on .NET Core-based compiler execution, they have multiple tickets around this...

So current workarounds are:

Re-adding net4x compilation path to WebSharper 6+ is not in the plans.