In the past you could inherit from JsonOutputFormatter and override the response. This was useful so that you could have a fully formatted body that wasn't just the json object (which has security issues) and add additional properties like errors etc. to the response.
I don't see anywhere in the documentation information on how you'd replicate this same behavior without having to customize every response on every endpoint.
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ID: 6ebcd752-af71-c483-eebb-0745bd04fb30
Version Independent ID: 1f678d5d-230b-0ad0-c925-15b13081f553
In the past you could inherit from JsonOutputFormatter and override the response. This was useful so that you could have a fully formatted body that wasn't just the json object (which has security issues) and add additional properties like errors etc. to the response.
I don't see anywhere in the documentation information on how you'd replicate this same behavior without having to customize every response on every endpoint.
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