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Not enough reference regarding pubxml files #27815

Open EricWu91 opened 1 year ago

EricWu91 commented 1 year ago

There's not enough reference documenting the .pubxml files!

Document Details

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postmeback commented 1 year ago


I came up with the below description, accumulated from different resources:

Title: Understanding the Basic Properties in .pubxml Files in Visual Studio

Introduction: When working with Visual Studio and publishing projects, .pubxml files play a crucial role in defining various settings and configurations for the publishing process. These XML-based files contain a collection of properties that control different aspects of the publishing workflow. In this blog post, we will explore the basic properties defined under the top-level PropertyGroup element in .pubxml files and understand their significance in Visual Studio.

Understanding .pubxml Files: .pubxml files, also known as publishing profiles, are XML configuration files that store settings related to publishing a project in Visual Studio. These files are associated with specific build configurations, such as Debug or Release, and can be customized to suit the requirements of your project's deployment.

The Basic Properties: When you create a new .pubxml file in Visual Studio, it comes pre-populated with a set of basic properties defined within the PropertyGroup element. These properties define essential configurations for the publishing process. Let's explore some of the key basic properties:

  1. PublishProfile: The PublishProfile property specifies the name of the publishing profile. It helps identify the specific profile to be used during the publishing process. You can define multiple profiles in a single .pubxml file by creating separate PropertyGroup elements for each.

  2. PublishUrl: The PublishUrl property defines the destination folder or URL where the project will be published. It can point to a local folder path or a remote location such as an FTP server or Azure Web App URL.

  3. DeployOnBuild: The DeployOnBuild property determines whether the project should be automatically published during a build operation. Setting it to "true" triggers the deployment process whenever you build the project in Visual Studio.

  4. Configuration: The Configuration property specifies the build configuration to be used during the publishing process, such as Debug or Release. It helps ensure that the correct set of binaries and configuration settings are included in the published output.

  5. TargetFramework: The TargetFramework property indicates the target framework for the project. It ensures that the necessary framework components are included in the published output and that the deployment environment is compatible.

  6. WebPublishMethod: The WebPublishMethod property defines the publishing method to be used, such as File System, Web Deploy, or FTP. It determines the mechanism through which the project will be deployed to the specified PublishUrl.

  7. ExcludeFilesFromDeployment: The ExcludeFilesFromDeployment property allows you to specify a list of files or file patterns that should be excluded from the published output. This can be useful for excluding unnecessary files or sensitive information during the deployment process.

Customizing Basic Properties: While the basic properties provide a starting point for publishing, you can customize them based on your project's specific requirements. Additional properties can be added or existing ones modified to tailor the publishing process to your needs. This customization can be done directly in the .pubxml file or through the Visual Studio Publish Web dialog.

Conclusion: Understanding the basic properties defined in .pubxml files is essential for effectively configuring the publishing process in Visual Studio. By manipulating these properties, you can control various aspects of deployment, such as destination locations, build configurations, target frameworks, and more. Harnessing the power of .pubxml files allows you to streamline the publishing workflow and ensure successful deployment of your projects.

Remember, this blog post provides an overview of the basic properties commonly found in .pubxml files.

postmeback commented 1 year ago

If it seems ok, I would like to create a separate PR and add it !