dotnet / AspNetCore.Docs

Documentation for ASP.NET Core
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Review all Codeplex links/mentions and update where needed #3579

Closed terrimorton closed 6 years ago

terrimorton commented 7 years ago "In October, we’ll set CodePlex to read-only, before shutting it down completely on December 15th, 2017."

Search "codeplex" (287 hits in 87 files) GitHub\Docs\aspnet\aspnet\overview\developing-apps-with-windows-azure\building-real-world-cloud-apps-with-windows-azure\ (1 hit) Line 68: - ALM Rangers DevOps Tooling and Guidance. The ALM Rangers introduced the DevOps Workbench sample companion solution and practical guidance in collaboration with the Patterns & Practices book Building a Release Pipeline with TFS 2012, as a great way to start learning the concepts of DevOps & Release Management for TFS 2012 and to kick the tires. The guidance shows how to build once and deploy to multiple environments. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\aspnet\overview\developing-apps-with-windows-azure\building-real-world-cloud-apps-with-windows-azure\ (1 hit) Line 242: You can also have logs written to your storage account and view them with any tool that can access the Azure Storage Table service, such as Server Explorer in Visual Studio or Azure Storage Explorer. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\aspnet\overview\developing-apps-with-windows-azure\building-real-world-cloud-apps-with-windows-azure\ (1 hit) Line 113: Here we are using the Json.NET library to serialize the fixit to JSON format. You can use whatever serialization approach you prefer. JSON has the advantage of being human-readable, while being less verbose than XML. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\aspnet\overview\developing-apps-with-windows-azure\building-real-world-cloud-apps-with-windows-azure\ (1 hit) Line 206: - Version Control Guide. Guide to branching strategies by the ALM Rangers. See Branching Strategies.pdf on the Downloads tab. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\aspnet\overview\developing-apps-with-windows-azure\ (1 hit) Line 26: > Provision a production web application yourself in minutes by easily deploying content created using your favorite development tool. You can deploy an existing site directly from source control with support for Git, GitHub, Bitbucket, CodePlex, TFS, and even DropBox. Deploy directly from your favorite IDE or from scripts using PowerShell in Windows or CLI tools running on any OS. Once deployed, keep your sites constantly up-to-date with support for continuous deployment. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\aspnet\overview\owin-and-katana\ (5 hits) Line 87: If you've investigated OWIN or Katana, you may also have noticed the Owin NuGet package and Owin.dll. This library contains a single interface, IAppBuilder, which formalizes and codifies the startup sequence described in section 4 of the OWIN specification. While not required in order to build OWIN servers, the IAppBuilder interface provides a concrete reference point, and it is used by the Katana project components. Line 91: Whereas both the OWIN specification and Owin.dll are community owned and community run open source efforts, the Katana project represents the set of OWIN components that, while still open source, are built and released by Microsoft. These components include both infrastructure components, such as hosts and servers, as well as functional components, such as authentication components and bindings to frameworks such as SignalR and ASP.NET Web API. The project has the following three high level goals: Line 219: - The Katana project on CodePlex: Line 219: - The Katana project on CodePlex: Line 219: - The Katana project on CodePlex: GitHub\Docs\aspnet\aspnet\overview\owin-and-katana\ (2 hits) Line 150: - Katana Project on CodePlex Line 150: - Katana Project on CodePlex GitHub\Docs\aspnet\aspnet\overview\owin-and-katana\ (10 hits) Line 22: ASP.NET Routes Sample | Source Code
Line 25: Branching Pipelines Sample | Source Code
Line 28: Custom Server Sample | Source Code
Line 31: Embedded Sample | Source Code
Line 34: HelloWorld Sample | Source Code
Line 37: Hello World Raw OWIN Sample | Source Code
Line 40: SignalR Sample | Source Code
Line 43: Static Files Sample | Source Code
Line 46: Web API | Source Code
Line 49: Web Socket Sample | Source Code
GitHub\Docs\aspnet\aspnet\overview\owin-and-katana\ (2 hits) Line 36: > If you have questions that are not directly related to the tutorial, you can post them at For questions and comments regarding the tutorial itself, see the comments section at the bottom of the page. Line 36: > If you have questions that are not directly related to the tutorial, you can post them at For questions and comments regarding the tutorial itself, see the comments section at the bottom of the page. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\ (2 hits) Line 24: - Contribute: Find out how you can help make Entity Framework, an open development model, even better by visiting CodePlex site. Line 24: - Contribute: Find out how you can help make Entity Framework, an open development model, even better by visiting CodePlex site. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\identity\overview\extensibility\ (1 hit) Line 276: - Sample application with changed primary key GitHub\Docs\aspnet\identity\overview\extensibility\ (17 hits) Line 37: You can download the completed MySQL storage provider at AspNet.Identity.MySQL (CodePlex). Line 37: You can download the completed MySQL storage provider at AspNet.Identity.MySQL (CodePlex). Line 56: - IdentityUser - contains properties for the user. Line 57: - UserStore - contains operations for adding, updating or retrieving users. Line 58: - IdentityRole - contains properties for roles. Line 59: - RoleStore - contains operations for adding, deleting, updating and retrieving roles. Line 63: For this example, the data access layer classes contain SQL statements for working with the tables; however, in your code you might want to use object-relational mapping (ORM) such as Entity Framework or NHibernate. In particular, your application may experience poor performance without an ORM that includes lazy loading and object caching. For more information, see ASP.Net Identity 2.0 without Entity Framework? Line 65: - MySQLDatabase - contains the MySQL database connection and methods for performing database operations. UserStore and RoleStore are both instantiated with an instance of this class. Line 66: - RoleTable - contains database operations for the table that stores roles. Line 67: - UserClaimsTable - contains database operations for the table that stores user claims. Line 68: - UserLoginsTable - contains database operations for the table that stores user login information. Line 69: - UserRoleTable - contains database operations for the table that stores which users are assigned to which roles. Line 70: - UserTable - contains database operations for the table that stores users. Line 96: 3. After establishing the connection, open a new Query tab; paste the commands from MySQLIdentity.sql into the query and execute it in order to create the database tables. Line 104: ### Download the ASP.NET.Identity.MySQL project from CodePlex Line 106: 1. Browse to the repository URL at AspNet.Identity.MySQL (CodePlex). Line 106: 1. Browse to the repository URL at AspNet.Identity.MySQL (CodePlex). GitHub\Docs\aspnet\identity\overview\extensibility\ (11 hits) Line 83: For a MySQL implemention of data repositories for ASP.NET Identity 2.0, see MySQLIdentity.sql. Line 89: | Context | Encapsulates the information to connect to your persistence mechanism and execute queries. This class is central to your data access layer. The other data classes will require an instance of this class to perform their operations. You will also initialize your store classes with an instance of this class. | MySQLDatabase | Line 90: | User Storage | Stores and retrieves user information (such as user name and password hash). | UserTable (MySQL) | Line 91: | Role Storage | Stores and retrieves role information (such as the role name). | RoleTable (MySQL) | Line 92: | UserClaims Storage | Stores and retrieves user claim information (such as the claim type and value). | UserClaimsTable (MySQL) | Line 93: | UserLogins Storage | Stores and retrieves user login information (such as an external authentication provider). | UserLoginsTable (MySQL) | Line 94: | UserRole Storage | Stores and retrieves which roles a user is assigned to. | UserRoleTable (MySQL) | Line 121: For a complete implementation, see IdentityUser (MySQL). Line 177: For a complete implementation (including all of interfaces), see UserStore (MySQL). Line 202: For a complete implementation, see IdentityRole (MySQL). Line 220: For a complete implementation, see RoleStore (MySQL) . GitHub\Docs\aspnet\identity\overview\features-api\ (3 hits) Line 98: The Identity system allow you to configure your app so when the users security profile changes (for example, when the user changes their password or changes associated login (such as from Facebook, Google, Microsoft account, etc.), the user is logged out of all browser instances. For example, the image below shows the Single signout sample app, which allows the user to sign out of all browser instances (in this case, IE, Firefox and Chrome) by clicking one button. Alternatively, the sample allows you to only log out of a specific browser instance. Line 102: The Single signout sample app shows how ASP.NET Identity allows you to regenerate the security token. This is needed to ensure that any tokens (cookies) generated with the old password are invalidated. This feature provides an extra layer of security to your application; when you change your password, you will be logged out where you have logged into this application. Line 121: Generic arguments on IUser enable you to derive a class using different types for the primary key. See the ChangePK sample which shows how to change the primary key from string to int or GUID. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\identity\overview\getting-started\ (2 hits) Line 69: - CodePlex hosting site for ASP.NET Identity Get nightly builds, request features, open bugs. Line 69: - CodePlex hosting site for ASP.NET Identity Get nightly builds, request features, open bugs. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\identity\overview\migrations\ (3 hits) Line 23: For this tutorial, we will take a web application template (Web Forms) created using Visual Studio 2010 to create user and role data. We will then use SQL scripts to migrate the existing database to tables needed by the Identity system. Next we'll install the necessary NuGet packages and add new account management pages which use the Identity system for membership management. As a test of migration, users created using SQL membership should be able to log in and new users should be able to register. You can find the complete sample here. See also Migrating from ASP.NET Membership to ASP.NET Identity. Line 76: The next step is to migrate the existing database to a schema required by the ASP.NET Identity system. To achieve this we run a SQL script which has a set of commands to create new tables and migrate existing user information to the new tables. The script file can be found here. Line 212: Porting to the Identity system helps the user add Open Authentication (OAuth) to the application. Please refer to the sample here which has OAuth enabled. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\mobile\ (1 hit) Line 64: ### Detect the latest mobile devices using Foundation GitHub\Docs\aspnet\mvc\ (3 hits) Line 250: MVC 3 supports the Common Service Locator library and any DI container that supports that library's IServiceLocator interface. It also supports a new IDependencyResolver interface that makes it easier to integrate DI frameworks. Line 269: For more information about NuGet, see the NuGet documentation on the CodePlex site. Line 269: For more information about NuGet, see the NuGet documentation on the CodePlex site. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\mvc\ (2 hits) Line 34: - ASP.NET MVC 4 Roadmap Line 53: - Report a bug in ASP.NET MVC 4 GitHub\Docs\aspnet\mvc\ (1 hit) Line 82: - Report a bug in ASP.NET MVC 5 GitHub\Docs\aspnet\mvc\overview\getting-started\getting-started-with-ef-using-mvc\ (6 hits) Line 258: The source code for Entity Framework 6 is available at Besides source code, you can get nightly builds, issue tracking, feature specs, design meeting notes, and more. You can file bugs, and you can contribute your own enhancements to the EF source code. Line 258: The source code for Entity Framework 6 is available at Besides source code, you can get nightly builds, issue tracking, feature specs, design meeting notes, and more. You can file bugs, and you can contribute your own enhancements to the EF source code. Line 258: The source code for Entity Framework 6 is available at Besides source code, you can get nightly builds, issue tracking, feature specs, design meeting notes, and more. You can file bugs, and you can contribute your own enhancements to the EF source code. Line 258: The source code for Entity Framework 6 is available at Besides source code, you can get nightly builds, issue tracking, feature specs, design meeting notes, and more. You can file bugs, and you can contribute your own enhancements to the EF source code. Line 258: The source code for Entity Framework 6 is available at Besides source code, you can get nightly builds, issue tracking, feature specs, design meeting notes, and more. You can file bugs, and you can contribute your own enhancements to the EF source code. Line 258: The source code for Entity Framework 6 is available at Besides source code, you can get nightly builds, issue tracking, feature specs, design meeting notes, and more. You can file bugs, and you can contribute your own enhancements to the EF source code. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\mvc\overview\getting-started\ (1 hit) Line 156: - Video: Codeplex - Conversion to MVC GitHub\Docs\aspnet\mvc\overview\older-versions\hands-on-labs\ (3 hits) Line 24: > If you wish to explore the ASP.NET MVC 3 version of the tutorial application, you can find it in []( Line 24: > If you wish to explore the ASP.NET MVC 3 version of the tutorial application, you can find it in []( Line 24: > If you wish to explore the ASP.NET MVC 3 version of the tutorial application, you can find it in []( GitHub\Docs\aspnet\mvc\overview\older-versions\hands-on-labs\ (3 hits) Line 51: > If you wish to explore the whole Music Store tutorial application you can find it in []( Line 51: > If you wish to explore the whole Music Store tutorial application you can find it in []( Line 51: > If you wish to explore the whole Music Store tutorial application you can find it in []( GitHub\Docs\aspnet\mvc\overview\older-versions\mvc-music-store\ (4 hits) Line 71: You can follow along step by step, or you can download the completed application from Line 71: You can follow along step by step, or you can download the completed application from Line 137: Please use the Discussions at for any questions or comments. Line 137: Please use the Discussions at for any questions or comments. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\mvc\overview\older-versions\mvc-music-store\ (2 hits) Line 136: Please use the Discussions at for any questions or comments. Line 136: Please use the Discussions at for any questions or comments. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\mvc\overview\older-versions\mvc-music-store\ (2 hits) Line 138: Please use the Discussions at for any questions or comments. Line 138: Please use the Discussions at for any questions or comments. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\mvc\overview\older-versions\mvc-music-store\ (3 hits) Line 85: The updated CSS file and Images are included in the Content directory of which is available at We'll select both of them in Windows Explorer and drop them into our Solution's Content folder in Visual Web Developer, as shown below: Line 259: Please use the Discussions at for any questions or comments. Line 259: Please use the Discussions at for any questions or comments. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\mvc\overview\older-versions\mvc-music-store\ (2 hits) Line 153: Please use the Discussions at for any questions or comments. Line 153: Please use the Discussions at for any questions or comments. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\mvc\overview\older-versions\mvc-music-store\ (2 hits) Line 262: Please use the Discussions at for any questions or comments. Line 262: Please use the Discussions at for any questions or comments. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\mvc\overview\older-versions\mvc-music-store\ (2 hits) Line 78: Please use the Discussions at for any questions or comments. Line 78: Please use the Discussions at for any questions or comments. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\mvc\overview\older-versions\mvc-music-store\ (1 hit) Line 82: Note: You can of course use any password you'd like. The above password is shown as an example, and is assumed in the support forums on CodePlex. The default password security settings require a password that is 7 characters long and contains one non-alphanumeric character. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\mvc\overview\older-versions\mvc-music-store\ (2 hits) Line 158: Please use the Discussions at for any questions or comments. Line 158: Please use the Discussions at for any questions or comments. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\mvc\overview\older-versions\mvc-music-store\ (2 hits) Line 160: Please use the Discussions at for any questions or comments. Line 160: Please use the Discussions at for any questions or comments. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\mvc\overview\older-versions-1\deployment\ (2 hits) Line 101: This is done using a script named registermvc.wsf. It was included with the ASP.NET MVC 1 release in C:\Program Files\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET MVC\Scripts, but as of ASP.NET 2 this script has been moved to the ASP.NET Futures, available at Line 101: This is done using a script named registermvc.wsf. It was included with the ASP.NET MVC 1 release in C:\Program Files\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET MVC\Scripts, but as of ASP.NET 2 this script has been moved to the ASP.NET Futures, available at GitHub\Docs\aspnet\mvc\overview\older-versions-1\deployment\ (2 hits) Line 107: This is done using a script named registermvc.wsf. It was included with the ASP.NET MVC 1 release in C:\Program Files\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET MVC\Scripts, but as of ASP.NET 2 this script has been moved to the ASP.NET Futures, available at Line 107: This is done using a script named registermvc.wsf. It was included with the ASP.NET MVC 1 release in C:\Program Files\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET MVC\Scripts, but as of ASP.NET 2 this script has been moved to the ASP.NET Futures, available at GitHub\Docs\aspnet\mvc\overview\older-versions-1\models-data\ (2 hits) Line 25: Before you can use the Data Annotation validators, you must download the Data Annotations Model Binder. You can download the Data Annotations Model Binder Sample from the CodePlex website by clicking here. Line 25: Before you can use the Data Annotation validators, you must download the Data Annotations Model Binder. You can download the Data Annotations Model Binder Sample from the CodePlex website by clicking here. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\mvc\overview\older-versions-1\models-data\ (2 hits) Line 25: Before you can use the Data Annotation validators, you must download the Data Annotations Model Binder. You can download the Data Annotations Model Binder Sample from the CodePlex website by clicking here. Line 25: Before you can use the Data Annotation validators, you must download the Data Annotations Model Binder. You can download the Data Annotations Model Binder Sample from the CodePlex website by clicking here. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\mvc\overview\older-versions-1\nerddinner\ (3 hits) Line 5: description: "How to build the website using ASP.NET MVC 1. For the ASP.MVC 3 version, please visit ." Line 18: > How to build the website using ASP.NET MVC 1. For the ASP.MVC 3 version, please visit Line 18: > How to build the website using ASP.NET MVC 1. For the ASP.MVC 3 version, please visit GitHub\Docs\aspnet\mvc\overview\older-versions-1\nerddinner\ (2 hits) Line 74: You can build your own copy of NerdDinner from scratch by completing each step we walkthrough in this chapter. Alternatively, you can download a completed version of the source code here: You can also optionally also download a free PDF version of this tutorial if you want to read the tutorial offline. Line 74: You can build your own copy of NerdDinner from scratch by completing each step we walkthrough in this chapter. Alternatively, you can download a completed version of the source code here: You can also optionally also download a free PDF version of this tutorial if you want to read the tutorial offline. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\mvc\overview\releases\ (3 hits) Line 74: You can see a complete example here. Line 133: - 5.1.0 package Line 134: - 5.1.1 package GitHub\Docs\aspnet\mvc\overview\releases\ (3 hits) Line 75: The MVC Facebook package was broken due to few API changes made by Facebook. We are also releasing a new Facebook package (Microsoft.AspNet.Facebook 1.0.0) to fix these issues. Line 106: - 5.2 package Line 116: You can read about the release here. This release contains only bug fixes. You can use this query to see the list of issues fixed in this release. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\signalr\overview\advanced\ (1 hit) Line 139: There are many open-source IoC containers for .NET. For this tutorial, I'll use Ninject. (Other popular libraries include Castle Windsor, Spring.Net, Autofac, Unity, and StructureMap.) GitHub\Docs\aspnet\signalr\overview\older-versions\ (1 hit) Line 121: There are many open-source IoC containers for .NET. For this tutorial, I'll use Ninject. (Other popular libraries include Castle Windsor, Spring.Net, Autofac, Unity, and StructureMap.) GitHub\Docs\aspnet\signalr\overview\testing-and-debugging\ (1 hit) Line 41: In this section, you'll add unit tests for the application created in the Getting Started tutorial using and Moq. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\visual-studio\overview\2012\ (6 hits) Line 238: - Line 238: - Line 239: - Line 239: - Line 245: Default OData routing conventions doesn't support POST/PUT on navigation property. See workitem We are missing this commonly used convention in default conventions. Line 245: Default OData routing conventions doesn't support POST/PUT on navigation property. See workitem We are missing this commonly used convention in default conventions. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\visual-studio\overview\2013\ (5 hits) Line 192: In addition to these features and the aforementioned performance fix, this release of NuGet also includes many other bug fixes. There were 181 total issues addressed in the release. For a full list of the work items fixed in NuGet 2.8, please view the NuGet Issue Tracker for this release. Line 208: - Various bug fixes Line 219: - Various bug fixes Line 224: - Various bug fixes Line 262: There were lots of bugs that were fixed in this release. Please see the release notes for the 2.1.0 release for more detailed information. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\visual-studio\overview\2013\ (6 hits) Line 473: SignalR 2.0 includes an interface called IHubCallerConnectionContext on Hubs that makes it easier to create mock client side invocations. The following code snippets demonstrate using this interface with popular test harnesses and moq. Line 581: Razor 3 issues fixed in Visual Studio 2013 from pre-release versions can be found here. Line 595: - New package restore doesn't work on Mono when using SLN file – will be fixed in an upcoming nuget.exe download and NuGet.CommandLine package update. Line 596: - New package restore doesn't work with Wix projects – will be fixed in an upcoming nuget.exe download and NuGet.CommandLine package update. Line 597: - Automatic Package restore doesn't work for projects under a solution folder – will be fixed in NuGet 2.8. Line 614: This issue is currently tracked here: BatchRequestContext.Url is null for batching request. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-api\overview\formats-and-model-binding\ (1 hit) Line 106: Web API BSON Sample GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-api\overview\formats-and-model-binding\ (2 hits) Line 51: JSON formatting is provided by the JsonMediaTypeFormatter class. By default, JsonMediaTypeFormatter uses the Json.NET library to perform serialization. Json.NET is a third-party open source project. Line 59: This section describes some specific behaviors of the JSON formatter, using the default Json.NET serializer. This is not meant to be comprehensive documentation of the Json.NET library; for more information, see the Json.NET Documentation. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-api\overview\formats-and-model-binding\ (1 hit) Line 204: Custom Parameter Binding Sample GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-api\overview\hosting-aspnet-web-api\ (2 hits) Line 164: - Katana Project on CodePlex Line 164: - Katana Project on CodePlex GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-api\overview\hosting-aspnet-web-api\ (2 hits) Line 32: > You can find the complete source code for this tutorial at Line 32: > You can find the complete source code for this tutorial at GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-api\overview\odata-support-in-aspnet-web-api\ (5 hits) Line 176: - CompositeKeyRoutingConvention Line 177: - CustomNavigationRoutingConvention Line 178: - NonBindableActionRoutingConvention Line 179: - ODataVersionRouteConstraint Line 181: And of course Web API itself is open-source, so you can see the source code for the built-in routing conventions. These are defined in the System.Web.Http.OData.Routing.Conventions namespace. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-api\overview\odata-support-in-aspnet-web-api\odata-v3\ (1 hit) Line 165: OData Actions Sample GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-api\overview\odata-support-in-aspnet-web-api\odata-v4\ (1 hit) Line 22: > This topic shows how to build an entity data model (EDM) with complex inheritance types. For the complete source code, see OData Complex Type Inheritance Sample. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-api\overview\odata-support-in-aspnet-web-api\odata-v4\ (2 hits) Line 31: You can download the solution used in this topic from CodePlex. Line 31: You can download the solution used in this topic from CodePlex. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-api\overview\odata-support-in-aspnet-web-api\odata-v4\ (1 hit) Line 122: OData Open Type Sample GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-api\overview\odata-support-in-aspnet-web-api\odata-v4\ (3 hits) Line 31: The solution used in this tutorial can be downloaded from CodePlex. Line 31: The solution used in this tutorial can be downloaded from CodePlex. Line 68: Basically, this is all you need to do on the service side. The sample project contains all of the code for the solution and the OData client that shows how to use the singleton. The client is built by following the steps in Create an OData v4 Client App. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-api\overview\odata-support-in-aspnet-web-api\ (1 hit) Line 160: For advanced scenarios, if you do not have an IQueryable query provider, you can examine the ODataQueryOptions and translate the query options into another form. (For example, see RaghuRam Nadiminti's blog post Translating OData queries to HQL, which also includes a sample.) GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-api\overview\releases\ (5 hits) Line 66: We have provided a sample that logs all unhandled exceptions via the popular ELMAH framework. Line 73: We have provided a sample that uses constraints to dynamically filter controllers by an 'api-version' HTTP header. Line 107: We have provided a sample that shows both the client and server side. Line 167: - 5.1.0 package Line 168: - 5.1.1 package GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-api\overview\releases\ (15 hits) Line 59: - Support for aliasing properties in OData model Line 60: - Support for ComplexTypeAttribute, AssociationAttribute, TimesTampAttribute and ConcurrencyCheckAttribute in ODataConventionModelBuilder Line 61: - Provide ability to supply friendly Title for actions Line 63: - Support for enum, containment and singleton Line 63: - Support for enum, containment and singleton Line 63: - Support for enum, containment and singleton Line 65: - Added OData function support Line 66: - Support parameter aliases for function calls Line 67: - Support camel case naming convention in model Line 71: - Changed $link to $ref Line 72: - Added Attribute routing support Line 155: Line 155: Line 166: - 5.2 package Line 181: You can read about the release here. This release contains only bug fixes. You can use this query to see the list of issues fixed in this release. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-api\overview\releases\ (3 hits) Line 81: For more information, see OData Complex Type Inheritance Sample. Line 105: - Bug fixes Line 110: In this release we made a bug fix to some of the AllowedFunctions enums. This release doesn't have any other bug fixes or new features. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-api\overview\security\ (4 hits) Line 25: In this article, I'll show code from the Basic Authentication sample on The sample shows an authentication filter that implements the HTTP Basic Access Authentication scheme (RFC 2617). The filter is implemented in a class named IdentityBasicAuthenticationAttribute. I won't show all of the code from the sample, just the parts that illustrate how to write an authentication filter. Line 25: In this article, I'll show code from the Basic Authentication sample on The sample shows an authentication filter that implements the HTTP Basic Access Authentication scheme (RFC 2617). The filter is implemented in a class named IdentityBasicAuthenticationAttribute. I won't show all of the code from the sample, just the parts that illustrate how to write an authentication filter. Line 25: In this article, I'll show code from the Basic Authentication sample on The sample shows an authentication filter that implements the HTTP Basic Access Authentication scheme (RFC 2617). The filter is implemented in a class named IdentityBasicAuthenticationAttribute. I won't show all of the code from the sample, just the parts that illustrate how to write an authentication filter. Line 110: The follow code shows the AuthenticateAsync method from the Basic Authentication sample. The comments indicate each step. The code shows several types of error: An Authorization header with no credentials, malformed credentials, and bad username/password. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-api\ (24 hits) Line 20: Bing Translate Sample | VS 2012 source Line 24: Google Maps Sample | detailed description | VS 2012 source Line 28: Twitter Client Sample | detailed description | VS 2012 source Line 32: World Bank Sample | detailed description | VS 2010 source | VS 2012 source Line 32: World Bank Sample | detailed description | VS 2010 source | VS 2012 source Line 50: Batching Sample | detailed description | VS 2012 source Line 54: Content Controller Sample | detailed description | VS 2010 source | VS 2012 source Line 54: Content Controller Sample | detailed description | VS 2010 source | VS 2012 source Line 58: Custom Assembly Resolver Sample | VS 2012 source Line 62: Custom Media Type Formatter Sample | detailed description | VS 2010 source Line 66: Custom Parameter Binding Sample | detailed description | VS 2010 source Line 75: File Upload Sample | detailed description | VS 2012 source Line 79: File Upload to Azure Blob Store Sample | detailed description | VS 2012 source Line 83: Http Message Handler Pipeline Sample | detailed description | VS 2010 source Line 87: JSON Upload Sample | VS 2012 source Line 91: Mashup Sample | detailed description | VS 2012 source Line 95: Memory Tracing Sample | detailed description | VS 2010 source Line 99: MongoDB Sample | detailed description | VS 2012 source Line 103: Response Body Processor Sample | VS 2012 source Line 107: Upload XDocument Sample | detailed description | VS 2012 source Line 111: Validation Sample | VS 2010 source Line 115: Web Form Sample | detailed description | VS 2010 source Line 125: OData Queryable Sample | detailed description | VS 2010 source Line 131: OData Service Sample | detailed description | VS 2010 source GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-forms\overview\ajax-control-toolkit\getting-started\ (4 hits) Line 27: The AJAX Control Toolkit is an open source project developed by the members of the ASP.NET community and the ASP.NET team. The AJAX Control Toolkit is hosted at which is the Microsoft website for hosting open source projects. Line 29: Navigate to the following URL to go directly to the AJAX Control Toolkit CodePlex page: Line 31: Line 31: GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-forms\overview\ajax-control-toolkit\getting-started\ (4 hits) Line 27: The AJAX Control Toolkit is an open source project developed by the members of the ASP.NET community and the ASP.NET team. The AJAX Control Toolkit is hosted at which is the Microsoft website for hosting open source projects. Line 29: Navigate to the following URL to go directly to the AJAX Control Toolkit CodePlex page: Line 31: Line 31: GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-forms\overview\getting-started\hands-on-labs\ (1 hit) Line 500: > In a production application, you should sanitize the HTML code entered by the user to make sure only safe HTML tags are entered (for example, there are no <script> tags). To do this, you can use Microsoft Web Protection Library. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-forms\overview\older-versions-getting-started\deploying-web-site-projects\ (3 hits) Line 88: Another approach is to use the Database Publishing Wizard. The Database Publishing Wizard is a Windows desktop application that will generate the SQL commands to create your database s schema - the tables, stored procedures, views, user-defined functions, and so forth - and, optionally, the data in its tables. You can then connect to your web host provider s database server through SQL Server Management Studio and then execute this script to duplicate the database on production. Even better, if your web host provider supports Microsoft s Database Publishing Services you can have the script generated by the Database Publishing Wizard automatically executed on the database server on your behalf. Because the Database Publishing Wizard generates a script that creates the database s schema and data, it will work regardless of whether your web host provider offers features like attaching ... Line 113: > If you get the error "There are no objects in database databaseName of the types scriptable by this wizard" when clicking Next in the screen shown in Figure 6, make sure that the path to your database file is not overly long. As noted in this discussion item on the Database Publishing Wizard project page, this error can arise if the path to the database file is too long. Line 192: - The SQL Server Hosting Toolkit Home (The project home for the Database Publishing Wizard and the Database Publishing Services.) GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-forms\overview\older-versions-getting-started\deploying-web-site-projects\ (3 hits) Line 88: Another approach is to use the Database Publishing Wizard. The Database Publishing Wizard is a Windows desktop application that will generate the SQL commands to create your database s schema - the tables, stored procedures, views, user-defined functions, and so forth - and, optionally, the data in its tables. You can then connect to your web host provider s database server through SQL Server Management Studio and then execute this script to duplicate the database on production. Even better, if your web host provider supports Microsoft s Database Publishing Services you can have the script generated by the Database Publishing Wizard automatically executed on the database server on your behalf. Because the Database Publishing Wizard generates a script that creates the database s schema and data, it will work regardless of whether your web host provider offers features like attaching ... Line 113: > If you get the error "There are no objects in database databaseName of the types scriptable by this wizard" when clicking Next in the screen shown in Figure 6, make sure that the path to your database file is not overly long. As noted in this discussion item on the Database Publishing Wizard project page, this error can arise if the path to the database file is too long. Line 192: - The SQL Server Hosting Toolkit Home (The project home for the Database Publishing Wizard and the Database Publishing Services.) GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-forms\overview\older-versions-getting-started\deployment-to-a-hosting-provider\ (2 hits) Line 49: - You can use relatively full-featured third-party or open source tools, such as the SQL Server Compact Toolbox and SQL Compact data and schema script utility. Line 49: - You can use relatively full-featured third-party or open source tools, such as the SQL Server Compact Toolbox and SQL Compact data and schema script utility. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-forms\overview\older-versions-getting-started\master-pages\ (1 hit) Line 67: Open the Site.master master page and add a ScriptManager control to the page within the Web Form, but before the <div id="topContent"> element (see Figure 1). If you are using Visual Web Developer 2008 or Visual Studio 2008, the ScriptManager control is located in the Toolbox in the AJAX Extensions tab. If you are using Visual Studio 2005, you will need to first install the ASP.NET AJAX framework and add the controls to the Toolbox. Visit the ASP.NET AJAX download page to get the framework for ASP.NET 2.0. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-forms\overview\older-versions-getting-started\tailspin-spyworks\ (2 hits) Line 59: You can follow along step by step, or you can download the completed application from Line 59: You can follow along step by step, or you can download the completed application from GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-forms\overview\older-versions-getting-started\tailspin-spyworks\ (2 hits) Line 92: This page will use the ASP.NET AJAC Control Toolkit. If you have not already done so you can download it from here and there is guidance on setting up the toolkit for use with Visual Studio here Line 92: This page will use the ASP.NET AJAC Control Toolkit. If you have not already done so you can download it from here and there is guidance on setting up the toolkit for use with Visual Studio here GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-pages\overview\getting-started\ (1 hit) Line 301: Razor has limitations on nested blocks of C#. For more information see Named C# Variables and Nested Blocks Generate Broken Code GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-pages\overview\releases\ (1 hit) Line 36: ASP.NET Web Pages 3.1.0 contains several bug fixes. You can find the complete list here. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-pages\overview\releases\ (4 hits) Line 36: We fixed one bug and made one minor feature enhancement in this release. You can find the query for the same here. Line 40: This release rolls-up the change in the ASP.Net Web Pages 3.2.1 Beta release which provides a significant performance improvement in rendering large razor pages. SeeCodeplex Issue 585. This release aligns with the MVC 5.2.2 packages which will now depend on this version. Line 40: This release rolls-up the change in the ASP.Net Web Pages 3.2.1 Beta release which provides a significant performance improvement in rendering large razor pages. SeeCodeplex Issue 585. This release aligns with the MVC 5.2.2 packages which will now depend on this version. Line 67: This release contains only bug fixes. You can use this query to see the list of issues fixed in this release. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\web-pages\readme\ (1 hit) Line 198: > To work with packages in Visual Studio, use the NuGet extension instead of the web-based package manager. For information, see the NuGet documentation. If you are working with other files in the App_Data folder, consider keeping the files elsewhere to avoid this issue. If that's not practical, delete the app_offline.htm file manually or wait until the site comes back online automatically (by default, after 30 seconds). GitHub\Docs\aspnet\whitepapers\ (6 hits) Line 37: For downloadable code samples demonstrating this white paper's techniques for both ASP.NET Web Forms and MVC, see Line 37: For downloadable code samples demonstrating this white paper's techniques for both ASP.NET Web Forms and MVC, see Line 127: The great news for .NET developers is that ASP.NET's browser detection feature is extensible, so it's possible to enhance it to overcome these problems. For example, you can add the open source Foundation library to your project. It's an ASP.NET IHttpModule or Browser Capabilities Provider (usable on both Web Forms and MVC applications), that directly reads WURFL data and hooks it into ASP.NET's built-in browser detection mechanism. Once you've installed the module, Request.Browser will suddenly contain a lot more accurate and detailed information: it will correctly recognize many of the devices previously mentioned and list their capabilities (including additional capabilities such as input method). See the project's documentation for more details. Line 201: To see these techniques in action, download this white paper's code samples. The Web Forms sample application automatically redirects mobile users to a set of mobile-specific pages in a subfolder called Mobile. The markup and styling of those pages is better optimized for mobile browsers, as you can see from the following screenshots: Line 291: To see these techniques in action, download this white paper's code associated samples. The sample includes an ASP.NET MVC 3 (Release Candidate) application enhanced to support mobile devices using the methods described above. Line 307: For more details, see Foundation documentation. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\whitepapers\ (6 hits) Line 238: - Line 238: - Line 239: - Line 239: - Line 245: Default OData routing conventions doesn't support POST/PUT on navigation property. See workitem We are missing this commonly used convention in default conventions. Line 245: Default OData routing conventions doesn't support POST/PUT on navigation property. See workitem We are missing this commonly used convention in default conventions. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\whitepapers\ (3 hits) Line 204: - Microsoft SQL Server: Database Product Samples (CodePlex site). Sample AdventureWorks databases. Line 205: - Installing Sample Databases (CodePlex site). In addition to the methods shown here, you can also download one of the sample .mdf files to the App_Data folder of a web project, convert the database to LocalDB, and create a LocalDB connection string. For information about how to do that, see How to: Upgrade to LocalDB. Line 242: - SQL Database Migration Wizard. An open source tool for migrating databases to and from SQL Database. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\whitepapers\ (8 hits) Line 101: - MSBuild Extension Pack (CodePlex site). Includes deployment tasks. Line 101: - MSBuild Extension Pack (CodePlex site). Includes deployment tasks. Line 102: - Team Foundation Build Customization Guide (CodePlex site). Documentation by ALM Rangers on setting up Team Foundation Server covers web deployment and includes tutorials and videos. Line 102: - Team Foundation Build Customization Guide (CodePlex site). Documentation by ALM Rangers on setting up Team Foundation Server covers web deployment and includes tutorials and videos. Line 118: - XDT (XML Document Transform) released on (.NET Web Development and Tools blog). Announces availability of the source code for the Web.config file transformation engine and lists some tools that use it. Line 118: - XDT (XML Document Transform) released on (.NET Web Development and Tools blog). Announces availability of the source code for the Web.config file transformation engine and lists some tools that use it. Line 173: - SQL Database Migration Wizard (CodePlex.) A tool for migrating to Windows Azure SQL Database. Line 173: - SQL Database Migration Wizard (CodePlex.) A tool for migrating to Windows Azure SQL Database. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\whitepapers\aspnet4\ (2 hits) Line 120: For more information, download the ASP.NET Browser Definition Files release from This download includes the old browser definition files, the new browser definition files, and instructions for installing the files. Line 120: For more information, download the ASP.NET Browser Definition Files release from This download includes the old browser definition files, the new browser definition files, and instructions for installing the files. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\whitepapers\aspnet4\ (2 hits) Line 1364: - — The main Web resource for preview releases of ASP.NET. Line 1364: - — The main Web resource for preview releases of ASP.NET. GitHub\Docs\aspnet\whitepapers\ (11 hits) Line 317: The RC2 release of ASP.NET MVC 3 introduced a CachedDataAnnotationsMetadataProvider class that provided caching on top of the existing DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider class as a performance improvement. However, some bugs were reported with this implementation, so the change has been reverted and moved into the MVC Futures project, which is available on the CodePlex website at Line 317: The RC2 release of ASP.NET MVC 3 introduced a CachedDataAnnotationsMetadataProvider class that provided caching on top of the existing DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider class as a performance improvement. However, some bugs were reported with this implementation, so the change has been reverted and moved into the MVC Futures project, which is available on the CodePlex website at Line 317: The RC2 release of ASP.NET MVC 3 introduced a CachedDataAnnotationsMetadataProvider class that provided caching on top of the existing DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider class as a performance improvement. However, some bugs were reported with this implementation, so the change has been reverted and moved into the MVC Futures project, which is available on the CodePlex website at Line 495: For more information about NuGet, visit and read the Getting Started Guide. Line 495: For more information about NuGet, visit and read the Getting Started Guide. Line 495: For more information about NuGet, visit and read the Getting Started Guide. Line 637: For more information about NuPack, visit and read the Getting Started Guide. Line 637: For more information about NuPack, visit and read the Getting Started Guide. Line 637: For more information about NuPack, visit and read the Getting Started Guide. Line 709: The new DependencyResolver class lets you register classes that implement either the new IDependencyResolver interface or the Common Service Locator interface (IServiceLocator). For more information about Common Service Locator, see Line 709: The new DependencyResolver class lets you register classes that implement either the new IDependencyResolver interface or the Common Service Locator interface (IServiceLocator). For more information about Common Service Locator, see GitHub\Docs\aspnet\whitepapers\ (1 hit) Line 324: Building High Performance Web Applications GitHub\Docs\aspnet\whitepapers\ (2 hits) Line 245: The IIS script-mapping script is a command-line script that is used to configure script maps for IIS 6 and for IIS 7 in Classic mode. The script-mapping script is not needed if you use the Visual Studio Development Server or if you use IIS 7 in Integrated mode. The scripts are available as a separate unsupported download on the ASP.NET CodePlex site. Line 245: The IIS script-mapping script is a command-line script that is used to configure script maps for IIS 6 and for IIS 7 in Classic mode. The script-mapping script is not needed if you use the Visual Studio Development Server or if you use IIS 7 in Integrated mode. The scripts are available as a separate unsupported download on the ASP.NET CodePlex site.

Rick-Anderson commented 7 years ago

If the CodePlex archive redirects - we're fine. How can we test the redirects?

Rick-Anderson commented 7 years ago

@terrimorton @tdykstra it looks like there will be redirects to the samples. Is there more than testing the redirects?

tdykstra commented 7 years ago

That sounds right to me.

isaacrlevin commented 6 years ago

@Rick-Anderson you can write a little app that goes to the file with WebClient and capture the HttpResponse. That would have the redirect location in it. Sorry if that is not what you are asking.

Rick-Anderson commented 6 years ago

@isaac2004 that would be robust way of checking the links but I think spot checking should be good for now.,

isaacrlevin commented 6 years ago

@Rick-Anderson only issue with spot checking 90 files is the time it takes. Maybe meta this issue and break it out into smaller sections?

isaacrlevin commented 6 years ago

@Rick-Anderson @scottaddie I am starting on this today

isaacrlevin commented 6 years ago

It looks like there are a few samples have not been moved from CodePlex to Github, below being some examples.

Should I move forward with moving them over, or should they be reviewed/updated first

Rick-Anderson commented 6 years ago

@terrimorton do you have a contact for this?

terrimorton commented 6 years ago

@Rick-Anderson I had brought this up with you guys back in April. Jon suggested creating an aspnetwebstack-samples repo in GitHub and migrating. Dan reached out to Eilon for input and that's where it was left.

isaacrlevin commented 6 years ago

@Rick-Anderson @terrimorton is this issue still valid, or can it be closed after my PR

Rick-Anderson commented 6 years ago

@isaac2004 I think your PR covers it and it can be closed.

terrimorton commented 6 years ago

Reopening issue since Dan Roth has now moved the samples from Codeplex to GitHub. I have updated the samples links for Web API and Katana. We can probably close this again once the PR is accepted.