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Document how to debug when hosted on IIS using AspNetCoreModule #577

Closed Rick-Anderson closed 6 years ago

Rick-Anderson commented 8 years ago
Rick-Anderson commented 8 years ago How about a section on how to point Local IIS to wwwroot and just having your project work like previous ASP.NET versions. So you can have something like points to wwwroot, you cna make changes etc and see those changes without having to publish

danroth27 commented 8 years ago

It won't be dnx.exe when we move to the .NET CLI, but we should still document how to do this.

guardrex commented 7 years ago

@Rick-Anderson We have good amount of :cow2: 🔔 in the Troubleshooting section in the IIS doc. Is there anything for me to do here?

danroth27 commented 7 years ago

🐄 🔔 ?

@GuardRex At some point I think we will need you to publish a @GuardRex Rosetta Stone 😃

guardrex commented 7 years ago

cowbell ... you know ...

[EDIT] Is the reference here to remote debugging via VS? I'm still on VS Code and only use local debugging currently, but I'd be happy to play around with remote debugging if we need some content here. I'm just a little worried about using VS2017 atm. I was hoping to wait until RTM before having that installed here.

[EDIT] ... still in the future for remote IIS debugging as of 2/6/17. See

guardrex commented 6 years ago

@danroth27 At this point for this issue :point_up:, are we just talking about documenting this :point_right: Development time IIS support for ASP.NET Core Applications? That's on my To Do list anyway, and it might knock this issue out (I'm thrown off a bit by the mention of the 3d-logic Azure Apps blog post in the OP).

danroth27 commented 6 years ago

This bug is ancient and I honestly don't know what it's tracking anymore. @Rick-Anderson?

guardrex commented 6 years ago

In an offline chat several weeks ago with [@]Rick-Anderson and [@]tdykstra (prior to the 2.0 release), we discussed making an official doc from the [@]shirhatti blog post, so I suppose we could use this issue to track that work. My plan was to just copy it over with a few minor touches and put his name on it.

danroth27 commented 6 years ago

That sounds fine to me!