dotnet / BenchmarkDotNet

Powerful .NET library for benchmarking
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Cross platform disassembler doensn't output anything on macOS #1499

Open NinoFloris opened 4 years ago

NinoFloris commented 4 years ago

Cross platform disassembler doesn't output anything on macOS

Details: .net core 5.0 preview 6, BDN 0.12.1 (which should have xplat support)

For a benchmark like

open BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes
open BenchmarkDotNet.Running

type Service =
    abstract Prop : int

type Impl() =
    interface Service with
        member x.Prop = 1

[<DisassemblyDiagnoser(exportGithubMarkdown= true)>]
type Devirt() =
    member _.DevirtProp() = (Impl() :> Service).Prop

let main argv =
   BenchmarkRunner.Run<Devirt>() |> ignore

BDN returns

// Diagnostic Output - DisassemblyDiagnoser No benchmarks were disassembled

This does not seem to be an F# issue, a quick port of this benchmark to C# bore no fruit either.

0xd4d commented 4 years ago

Could be that clrmd is unable to read anything from the process. Updating to latest 1.x or trying 2.x could possibly fix that

adamsitnik commented 2 years ago

I've ported BDN to use ClrMd2 ( but I was not able to get macOS support:

It seems that attaching a debugger to another process requires a lot of work on macOS: