I have a problem when I tried to modify the DataGridExtensionsSample. In BasicView.xaml I modified CheckBox like this :
<CheckBox x:Name="IsFilterEnabled" DockPanel.Dock="Top" IsChecked="True" Content="Enable filters" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
The filter is correctly disabled but still visible. And then I chenged DataGridFilter.IsAutoFilterEnabled to False:
Hello I have a problem when I tried to modify the DataGridExtensionsSample. In BasicView.xaml I modified CheckBox like this :
<CheckBox x:Name="IsFilterEnabled" DockPanel.Dock="Top" IsChecked="True" Content="Enable filters" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
The filter is correctly disabled but still visible. And then I chenged DataGridFilter.IsAutoFilterEnabled to False:But still the same problem. By the way, the filter is not visible when modifying this property in other Views.
Thank you!