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Document behaviors around setting owned navigations to null #4669

Open LunicLynx opened 4 months ago

LunicLynx commented 4 months ago

Structured data in nested Json can't be set to null

Currently it is not possible to update nested structured data in a json column to null, just by attaching an entity to the context.

I can understand this behavior for non json columns as it would be more involved to update the database. But for json columns the serialization should not be a merge of navigation and non navigation properties.

Given the example below. After attaching owner to the database and saving it, the MoreData property should be null.

To be clear the data we want to attach is coming via an asp controller.

To make this work right now, we would need to:

  1. Check the incoming data for null in the field.
  2. Save the state to a bool. (for example isNull)
  3. If it isNull set it to a temporary value.
  4. Attach the entity to the context.
  5. Based on isNull remove the temporary value again.

Maybe there is another solution? So far we were not able to find one which did not involve dealing with the previous data or tricking the change tracker into recognizing the non null state first.


using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;

var myDbContext = new MyDbContext();

// Create data and detach
var owner = myDbContext.JsonOwners.SingleOrDefault(o => o.Data.Name == "Data");
if (owner == null)
    owner = new JsonOwner()
        Data = new Data()
            Name = "Data",
            MoreData = new NestedData()
                NestedName = "NestedData"
myDbContext.Entry(owner).State = EntityState.Detached;

// Set to nested data to null and re-attach
// In reality this data comes via an http call and is attached to the context.
owner.Data.MoreData = null;

// Getting by name and asserting
var d = myDbContext.JsonOwners.Single(o => o.Data.Name == "Data");
Debug.Assert(d.Data.MoreData == null, "d.Data.MoreData == null");


public class JsonOwner
    public Guid Id { get; set; }

    public Data Data { get; set; }

public class Data
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public NestedData? MoreData { get; set; }

public class NestedData
    public string NestedName { get; set; }

public class MyDbContext : DbContext
    protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)

    public DbSet<JsonOwner> JsonOwners { get; set; }

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
        modelBuilder.Entity<JsonOwner>(e =>
            e.OwnsOne(p => p.Data, x =>
                x.OwnsOne(r => r.MoreData);

Version information

EF Core version: 8.0.1 Database provider: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer (8.0.1) Target framework: .NET 8 Operating system: Windows 11

ajcvickers commented 4 months ago

Note for team: still repros on latest daily; not a regression.

maumar commented 4 months ago

Note: also repros for non-json owned entities

ajcvickers commented 3 months ago

Note for triage: I investigated this more. If this was not an owned type, this would be the correct behavior. This is because, in effect, the MoreData navigation isn't loaded. What this should do for owned types depends on whether or not we allow optional owned types to be not loaded. From an aggregate perspective, not allowed them to be unloaded is fine. That is, we could assume that if the navigation is null, then the owned type does not exist in the database, as opposed to it just isn't loaded. From the perspective of how people actually use owned types, it may not be fine.

Given that we are unsure where owned types are going, I propose we do nothing here immediately.

It's also worth noting that this works:

owner.Data.MoreData = null;

This is because in this case EF is tracking the entity when the nav is set to null, so EF correctly detects this as a delete.

LunicLynx commented 3 months ago

The example only works if MoreData was something (not null) at the time it was attached.