dotnet / EntityFramework.Docs

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Numeric rowversions doesn't need a HasConversion call #4725

Open cremor opened 1 month ago

cremor commented 1 month ago

Type of issue

Missing information


The section Numeric rowversions for SQL Azure/SQL Server is written in a way that implies that the call to HasConversion<byte[]>() is required to get this new feature to work.

But from my tests it looks like this works automatically when you have an ulong property with the Timestamp attribute. I haven't tested it but I assume the same is true for fluent mapping via IsRowVersion().

So why does the documentation explicitly call HasConversion<byte[]>()? The difference isn't that important with fluent mapping, but in the case of attribute mapping it's very important since there is no way to specify HasConversion<byte[]>() as an attribute.

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roji commented 1 month ago

Thanks, submitted #4727 to fix. Note that it's generally very easy to just open a PR suggesting a small change rather than describe it in an issue etc.