dotnet / ILMerge

ILMerge is a static linker for .NET Assemblies.
MIT License
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dotnet-ilmerge #9

Open natemcmaster opened 7 years ago

natemcmaster commented 7 years ago

Would be awesome to make ilmerge available as a command line tool along with the .NET Core CLI.

Details on extending the CLI:

mike-barnett commented 7 years ago

That sounds great. I looked at the details: do you think it should be extended in all 3 ways that the document describes?

natemcmaster commented 7 years ago
  1. Via NuGet packages on a per-project basis
  2. Via NuGet packages with custom targets
  3. Via the system's PATH

I would recommend 2 for sure. 1 is more effort but likely worth it. 3 has less value at the moment as ILMerge is already a console tool. Adding PATH means users can just run ilmerge.exe instead of dotnet.exe ilmerge.

By the way, I'd be happy to make a PR if you would take it.

mike-barnett commented 7 years ago

Sure! Even better...

natemcmaster commented 7 years ago

Ok. I'll make a PR for item 2. Item 1 might take more effort so I'l do that separately.

natemcmaster commented 7 years ago

There is enough compatible API that I don't think this tool will run on .NET Core 1.x without major rewrites. I took a wack at compiling ILMerge for .NET Core 2.0 (not released yet). However, it's almost compatible with .NET Core 2.0. There is only one incompatible API. Marshal.GetTypedObjectForIUnknown.

Nodes.cs(752,71): error CS0117: 'Marshal' does not contain a definition for 'GetTypedObjectForIUnknown' [C:\dev\ILMerge\System.Compiler\System.Compiler.csproj]
Reader.cs(2258,73): error CS0117: 'Marshal' does not contain a definition for 'GetTypedObjectForIUnknown' [C:\dev\ILMerge\System.Compiler\System.Compiler.cspro
Reader.cs(2280,70): error CS0117: 'Marshal' does not contain a definition for 'GetTypedObjectForIUnknown' [C:\dev\ILMerge\System.Compiler\System.Compiler.cspro


Fabi commented 7 years ago

@natemcmaster What about Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(IntPtr pUnk) as replacement?

natemcmaster commented 7 years ago

@Fabi I'm not actually sure what either of those APIs do. I'd have to take a closer look at what this code is doing.

Also, some of these more-obscure interop APIs may be present, but will throw PlatformNotSupported on non-Windows platforms. See

mieliespoor commented 5 years ago

Any progress on this again?

natemcmaster commented 5 years ago

@mike-barnett and I started looking at this but it fell off my radar. At this point, I would actually recommend making it a .NET Core 2.1 global tool instead of a project tool named dotnet-ilmerge. The tool's usage doesn't need to hang off "dotnet" anymore. It could just be:

$ dotnet tool install -g ilmerge
$ ilmerge One.dll Two.dll

Thoughts? @mike-barnett

mieliespoor commented 5 years ago

That actually makes more sense.

mike-barnett commented 5 years ago

Fine by me! Let me know if there's anything you need from me.