dotnet / Scaffolding

Code generators to speed up development.
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dotnet aspnet-codegenerator shows wrong usage information #1407

Open doggy8088 opened 4 years ago

doggy8088 commented 4 years ago

Steps to reproduce:

For the Available generators part of the usage information of the dotnet-aspnet-codegenerator, the identity shows incomplete sentence: identity : Generates an MVC Area with controllers and. => and ... ?

G:\Projects\api1>dotnet aspnet-codegenerator

Usage: aspnet-codegenerator [arguments] [options]

  generator  Name of the generator. Check available generators below.

  -p|--project             Path to .csproj file in the project.
  -c|--configuration       Configuration for the project (Possible values: Debug/ Release)
  -tfm|--target-framework  Target Framework to use. (Short folder name of the tfm. eg. net46)

Available generators:
  area      : Generates an MVC Area.
  controller: Generates a controller.
  identity  : Generates an MVC Area with controllers and
  razorpage : Generates RazorPage(s).
  view      : Generates a view.

RunTime 00:00:01.68

Expected behavior:

The identity : Generates an MVC Area with controllers and should have complete description. Not ending with an and.

Actual behavior:

identity : Generates an MVC Area with controllers and is not a complete sentence.

Additional information about the project being scaffolded, such as:

Target framework(s): netcore3.1

Package version of Microsoft.AspNetCore.App or Microsoft.AspNetCore.All (if applicable):

Package version of Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design - this may be added to your project by scaffolding: 3.1.4

deepchoudhery commented 4 years ago

The description is incorrect as well. Thanks, will be fixed in an upcoming update.