dotnet / Scaffolding

Code generators to speed up development.
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There was an error creating a DbContext :(10,19): error CS1001: Identifier expected #1543

Open Rick-Anderson opened 3 years ago

Rick-Anderson commented 3 years ago

Moved from and created by @grenadin

Issue also reported on SO

I cannot follow the step in the razor page tutorial. In the step add new scaffolding item step. see the error follow by a picture

in the first attempt. error1

and the second attempt. error2

and the Code Generation Log:

Finding the generator 'razorpage'... Running the generator 'razorpage'... Generating a new DbContext class 'RazorPagesMovie.Data.RazorPagesMovieContext' Attempting to compile the application in memory with the added DbContext. There was an error creating a DbContext :(10,19): error CS1001: Identifier expected (11,6): error CS1513: } expected (12,44): error CS8124: Tuple must contain at least two elements. (13,13): error CS1022: Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.ActionInvoker.b__6_0()

(13,27): error CS8124: Tuple must contain at least two elements. at Microsoft.Extensions.CommandLineUtils.CommandLineApplication.Execute(String[] args)

(14,9): error CS1022: Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.ActionInvoker.Execute(String[] args)

(18,5): error CS1022: Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.CodeGenCommand.Execute(String[] args)

(19,1): error CS1022: Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected C:\Users\harir\source\repos\RazorPagesMovie\RazorPagesMovie\Startup.cs(30,13): error CS8389: Omitting the type argument is not allowed in the current context

And the csproj file error3

Actually. I have 2 laptop that installs Visual Studio 2019 and VSCode(Its error occur in the command line too). The error occurs on 2 laptops too. And I found scaffolding error either razor page, web api, or MVC, control if it involves using Entity Framework.

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Rick-Anderson commented 3 years ago

What's in the .proj file? What is the DbContext?

Rick-Anderson commented 3 years ago

by @grenadin


for the .proj

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">

<PropertyGroup> <TargetFramework>net5.0</TargetFramework> </PropertyGroup>

<ItemGroup> <Folder Include="Pages\Movies\" /> </ItemGroup>

<ItemGroup> <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer" Version="5.0.4" /> <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools" Version="5.0.4"> <PrivateAssets>all</PrivateAssets> <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets> </PackageReference> <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design" Version="5.0.2" /> </ItemGroup>


For the DbContext.

After click the + and click "Add". You can see at the picture below. the scaffolding does not generate DbContext file in Data folder. and Data folder does not generate too. error5

Rick-Anderson commented 3 years ago

@grenadin try changing all the versions from Version="5.0.4" to Version="5.0.2"

grenadin commented 3 years ago

@Rick-Anderson After trying to change the <Version="5.0.4"> to <Version="5.0.2"> and use scaffolding tool. The scaffolding will bring the newest version update overlap on it from 5.0.2 to 5.0.4 again. and after the error will occur again. You can see on the link at my YouTube that I uploaded below. scaffolding tool error

And I try to downgrade to .Net core 3.1 LTS but the problem occurred the same step as the 5.0 version. I think the problem might be from scaffolding tools. Thank you for your help.