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Changed behavior when setting GLFW StandardCursor #2169

Closed paralaxsd closed 1 month ago

paralaxsd commented 2 months ago


I've noticed that the standard cursor behavior in my April Update-consuming Silk application with GLFW backend has changed. When updating the current standard cursor, weirdly the shown cursor seems to be lagging and show the previous value.

I've had a look into the current implementation and I noticed, that the April update introduced a change to the StandardCursor logic that looks like it may be the culprit:

Since UpdateCursor() calls into GetStandardCursor() which in turn depends on the _standardCursor field, moving the _standardCursor assignment after UpdateCursor() would change the outcome.

When I revert the change with some private reflection, my application again sets standard cursors as expected:

public static void SetStandardCursor(this IMouse mouse, StandardCursor stdCursor)
    var cursor = mouse.Cursor;
    if (cursor.StandardCursor == stdCursor) { return; }

    var cursorType = cursor.GetType();
    var stdCursorFld = cursorType.GetField("_standardCursor", Instance | NonPublic)!;
    var updateStdCursorMethod = cursorType.GetMethod("UpdateStandardCursor", Instance | NonPublic)!;

    stdCursorFld.SetValue(cursor, stdCursor);
    updateStdCursorMethod.Invoke(cursor, null);