dotnet / Silk.NET

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ImGui is broken for OpenGL #2222

Closed chenzhekl closed 3 weeks ago

chenzhekl commented 3 weeks ago


A summary of the issue you're experiencing.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Run the following code snippet with Silk.Net 2.21.0
// This file is part of Silk.NET.
// You may modify and distribute Silk.NET under the terms
// of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.

using System.Drawing;
using Silk.NET.Windowing;
using Silk.NET.Input;
using Silk.NET.OpenGL;
using Silk.NET.OpenGL.Extensions.ImGui;

namespace ImGui
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create a Silk.NET window as usual
            using var window = Window.Create(WindowOptions.Default);

            // Declare some variables
            ImGuiController controller = null;
            GL gl = null;
            IInputContext inputContext = null;

            // Our loading function
            window.Load += () =>
                controller = new ImGuiController(
                    gl = window.CreateOpenGL(), // load OpenGL
                    window, // pass in our window
                    inputContext = window.CreateInput() // create an input context

            // Handle resizes
            window.FramebufferResize += s =>
                // Adjust the viewport to the new window size

            // The render function
            window.Render += delta =>
                // Make sure ImGui is up-to-date
                controller.Update((float) delta);

                // This is where you'll do any rendering beneath the ImGui context
                // Here, we just have a blank screen.
                gl.ClearColor(Color.FromArgb(255, (int) (.45f * 255), (int) (.55f * 255), (int) (.60f * 255)));
                gl.Clear((uint) ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit);

                // This is where you'll do all of your ImGUi rendering
                // Here, we're just showing the ImGui built-in demo window.

                // Make sure ImGui renders too!

            // The closing function
            window.Closing += () =>
                // Dispose our controller first

                // Dispose the input context

                // Unload OpenGL

            // Now that everything's defined, let's run this bad boy!

  1. And we got the error
Unhandled exception. System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'ImGuiNET.RangeAccessor`1<Int32> ImGuiNET.ImGuiIOPtr.get_KeyMap()'.
   at Silk.NET.OpenGL.Extensions.ImGui.ImGuiController.SetKeyMappings()
   at Silk.NET.OpenGL.Extensions.ImGui.ImGuiController..ctor(GL gl, IView view, IInputContext input, Nullable`1 imGuiFontConfig, Action onConfigureIO)
   at Silk.NET.OpenGL.Extensions.ImGui.ImGuiController..ctor(GL gl, IView view, IInputContext input)
   at ImGui.Program.<>c__DisplayClass0_0.<Main>b__0() in /Users/me/workspace/Test/Client/Program.cs:line 29
   at Silk.NET.Windowing.Internals.ViewImplementationBase.Initialize()
   at Silk.NET.Windowing.WindowExtensions.Run(IView view)
   at ImGui.Program.Main(String[] args) in /Users/me/workspace/Test/Client/Program.cs:line 76

Process finished with exit code 134.


Add any other context about the problem here.

If you know how to fix this issue, please submit a pull request instead!

chenzhekl commented 3 weeks ago

It's my bad. I forgot to remove ImGui.Net package which coflicted with Silk.Net.