Closed huy2368 closed 5 years ago
It would be interesting if you enabled assembly logging:
adb shell setprop debug.mono.log assembly
This will cause gather_bundled_assemblies_from_apk()
to print out various log messages related to looking for assemblies within the .apk
From the backtrace we see that memcpy(3) is called, so we're probably crashing here:
That doesn't explain why it's crashing, though. :-(
My guess would be that we're overflowing an integer, and my gut thinks the ((const char*) info->area)+ *offset
expression may be problematic, but I'm not entirely sure. Overall, it should be safe, unless monodroid/jni/zip/unzip.c
will try to read past the end of the "stream", which actually appears possible:
When ((BUFREADCOMMENT+4) < (uSizeFile-uReadPos)
is true -- meaning the current read position is < 4 bytes from the file size -- it'll try to read at least 4 bytes, which may very well be past the end of the file.
We should fix that, but I don't know if that'll fix your crash.
(We should probably also start using long long
instead of int
, but I also don't know if that'll do anything with your crash.)
Hi Jonathan I turned on monolog, made two testcases and got some logs below. Please take a look on it
I/monodroid-assembly(14915): start: 0xffffffff end: 0x3da16747 len: 1033987912 apk: /data/app/<package_name>-1/base.apk
A/libc(14915): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x3da16343 in tid 14915
A/DEBUG(3657): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
A/DEBUG(3657): Build fingerprint: 'samsung/k3gxx/k3g:6.0.1/MMB29K/G900HXXS1CQD2:user/release-keys'
A/DEBUG(3657): Revision: '10'
A/DEBUG(3657): ABI: 'arm'
A/DEBUG(3657): pid: 14915, tid: 14915, name: >>> <package_name> <<<
A/DEBUG(3657): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x3da16343
D/hwcutils(3643): MppFactory::MppFactory()
D/(3643): virtual LibMpp* MppFactory::CreateMpp(int, int, int, int) dev(6) mode(0) drm(0),
D/libexynosgscaler(3643): LibMpp::LibMpp()
A/DEBUG(3657): r0 ae3b9c00 r1 3da16343 r2 00000384 r3 00000000
A/DEBUG(3657): r4 00000404 r5 a9ecf7d0 r6 00000404 r7 0000ffff
A/DEBUG(3657): r8 00000000 r9 00000000 sl 00000004 fp 00000404
A/DEBUG(3657): ip b6d4d5dc sp bed98658 lr b31463b5 pc b6cee71c cpsr 200f0010
D/libexynosgscaler(3643): virtual CGscaler::~CGscaler()
D/libexynosgscaler(3643): virtual LibMpp::~LibMpp()
D/(3643): virtual MppFactory::~MppFactory()
A/DEBUG(3657): backtrace:
A/DEBUG(3657): #00 pc 0001771c /system/lib/ (__memcpy_base+96)
A/DEBUG(3657): #01 pc 000083b1 /data/app/<package_name>-1/lib/arm/
A/DEBUG(3657): #02 pc 00010e77 /data/app/<package_name>-1/lib/arm/
A/DEBUG(3657): #03 pc 00007bd7 /data/app/<package_name>-1/lib/arm/ (monodroid_embedded_assemblies_register_from+142)
A/DEBUG(3657): #04 pc 0000c93d /data/app/<package_name>-1/lib/arm/
A/DEBUG(3657): #05 pc 0000c247 /data/app/<package_name>-1/lib/arm/ (Java_mono_android_Runtime_init+5626)
A/DEBUG(3657): #06 pc 00b914ff /data/app/<package_name>-1/oat/arm/base.odex (offset 0x561000) (void, java.lang.String[], java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], java.lang.ClassLoader, java.lang.String[], java.lang.String[], java.lang.String)+274)
A/DEBUG(3657): #07 pc 00b90477 /data/app/<package_name>-1/oat/arm/base.odex (offset 0x561000) (void mono.MonoPackageManager.LoadApplication(android.content.Context,, java.lang.String[])+2122)
A/DEBUG(3657): #08 pc 00b90c07 /data/app/<package_name>-1/oat/arm/base.odex (offset 0x561000) (void mono.MonoRuntimeProvider.attachInfo(android.content.Context,
A/DEBUG(3657): #09 pc 0376009b /system/framework/arm/boot.oat (offset 0x2f2f000)
I/monodroid-gc(11004): environment supports jni NewWeakGlobalRef
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): start: 0x7a87f000 end: 0x9e29ad84 len: 597802372 apk: /data/app/<package_name>-1/base.apk
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 20b6fc18 start: 0x9b3eec18 end: 0x9b3f0a18 len: 7680 zip-entry: assemblies/
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 20b71e48 start: 0x9b3f0e48 end: 0x9b3ff048 len: 57856 zip-entry: assemblies/
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 20b86d98 start: 0x9b405d98 end: 0x9b406b98 len: 3584 zip-entry: assemblies/
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 20b87c94 start: 0x9b406c94 end: 0x9b407c94 len: 4096 zip-entry: assemblies/
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 20b88ed8 start: 0x9b407ed8 end: 0x9b408cd8 len: 3584 zip-entry: assemblies/
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 20b89dc8 start: 0x9b408dc8 end: 0x9b409bc8 len: 3584 zip-entry: assemblies/
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 20b8acac start: 0x9b409cac end: 0x9b40aaac len: 3584 zip-entry: assemblies/
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 20b8bb9c start: 0x9b40ab9c end: 0x9b40b99c len: 3584 zip-entry: assemblies/
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 20b8ca94 start: 0x9b40ba94 end: 0x9b40c894 len: 3584 zip-entry: assemblies/
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 20b8d984 start: 0x9b40c984 end: 0x9b40d784 len: 3584 zip-entry: assemblies/
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 20b8e86c start: 0x9b40d86c end: 0x9b40e66c len: 3584 zip-entry: assemblies/
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 20b8f74c start: 0x9b40e74c end: 0x9b900d4c len: 5187072 zip-entry: assemblies/
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 21081d88 start: 0x9b900d88 end: 0x9bcb3b88 len: 3878400 zip-entry: assemblies/
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 215245c4 start: 0x9bda35c4 end: 0x9bdc3dc4 len: 133120 zip-entry: assemblies/
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 21554880 start: 0x9bdd3880 end: 0x9bde7480 len: 80896 zip-entry: assemblies/
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 215684bc start: 0x9bde74bc end: 0x9bdec0bc len: 19456 zip-entry: assemblies/
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 2156e860 start: 0x9bded860 end: 0x9be17060 len: 169984 zip-entry: assemblies/
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 215adbdc start: 0x9be2cbdc end: 0x9be4e7dc len: 138240 zip-entry: assemblies/
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 215dc01c start: 0x9be5b01c end: 0x9be9801c len: 249856 zip-entry: assemblies/
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 21619058 start: 0x9be98058 end: 0x9c1f4458 len: 3523584 zip-entry: assemblies/
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 21975498 start: 0x9c1f4498 end: 0x9c20b298 len: 93696 zip-entry: assemblies/
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 21996e14 start: 0x9c215e14 end: 0x9c276c14 len: 396800 zip-entry: assemblies/
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 219f7c58 start: 0x9c276c58 end: 0x9c27f058 len: 33792 zip-entry: assemblies/
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 21a032f0 start: 0x9c2822f0 end: 0x9c2844f0 len: 8704 zip-entry: assemblies/
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 21a05d88 start: 0x9c284d88 end: 0x9c2f4d88 len: 458752 zip-entry: assemblies/
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 21a97048 start: 0x9c316048 end: 0x9c33cc48 len: 158720 zip-entry: assemblies/
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 21abdc84 start: 0x9c33cc84 end: 0x9c3d1684 len: 608768 zip-entry: assemblies/Mono.Android.dll name: Mono.Android.dll [MZ......]
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 21b526bc start: 0x9c3d16bc end: 0x9c5ca0bc len: 2066944 zip-entry: assemblies/mscorlib.dll name: mscorlib.dll [MZ......]
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 21d4b0f4 start: 0x9c5ca0f4 end: 0x9c6206f4 len: 353792 zip-entry: assemblies/System.Core.dll name: System.Core.dll [MZ......]
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 21da1728 start: 0x9c620728 end: 0x9c6df928 len: 782848 zip-entry: assemblies/System.dll name: System.dll [MZ......]
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 21e60960 start: 0x9c6df960 end: 0x9c7c4760 len: 937472 zip-entry: assemblies/System.Xml.dll name: System.Xml.dll [MZ......]
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 21f457ac start: 0x9c7c47ac end: 0x9c7c5fac len: 6144 zip-entry: assemblies/System.Runtime.Serialization.dll name: System.Runtime.Serialization.dll [MZ......]
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 21f46fe8 start: 0x9c7c5fe8 end: 0x9c7d99e8 len: 80384 zip-entry: assemblies/System.Net.Http.dll name: System.Net.Http.dll [MZ......]
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 21f5aa24 start: 0x9c7d9a24 end: 0x9c7e8824 len: 60928 zip-entry: assemblies/System.Xml.Linq.dll name: System.Xml.Linq.dll [MZ......]
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 21f69868 start: 0x9c7e8868 end: 0x9c7fb868 len: 77824 zip-entry: assemblies/System.IO.Compression.dll name: System.IO.Compression.dll [MZ......]
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): file-offset: 21f7c8a4 start: 0x9c7fb8a4 end: 0x9c8260a4 len: 174080 zip-entry: assemblies/Mono.Security.dll name: Mono.Security.dll [MZ......]
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): Package '/data/app/<package_name>-1/base.apk' contains 36 assemblies
Thank you for the debug.mono.log=assembly
This is weird:
# ↓↓ bad
I/monodroid-assembly(14915): start: 0xffffffff end: 0x3da16747 len: 1033987912 apk: /data/app/<package_name>-1/base.apk
I/monodroid-assembly(11004): start: 0x7a87f000 end: 0x9e29ad84 len: 597802372 apk: /data/app/<package_name>-1/base.apk
# ↑↑ good
The above message is from here:
The start
value is the result of calling mmap(2), which is 0xffffffff
, which is the value of MAP_FAILED
. Ergo, mmap()
is failing.
...and we weren't doing any error checking around that. (Though I'm not sure what error checking we could do around that; if mmap()
fails, there is currently no fallback path for process startup to find the assemblies to execute.)
Also weird is the len
value of 1033987912
, or the comma-inserted value of 1,033,987,912. Your "986MB" .apk
is over 1GB in size, once installed onto the device.
I thus have an answer: your app is too big -- when running on 32-bit devices -- for our normal app startup code path, because it's too big for mmap
to actually load the .apk
into the process address space. (Not RAM, mind you; just into the process' address space.)
Furthermore, I can't think of an easy workaround. Using $(BundleAssemblies)
=True sounded plausible, except that we always call gather_bundled_assemblies()
/ monodroid_embedded_assemblies_register_from()
, even when assemblies are bundled:
Perhaps you can use .obb
files, possibly by using the Xamarin.Google.Android.Vending.Expansion.Downloader NuGet package (documentation).
This fix will not be part of the forthcoming d16-0 P2 release, but I do want to include this in P3.
Hi guys I got a strange issue need your support We have been developing a game. We use Xamarin 8.3.99, NDK15c, SDK build tools 27.0.3. I have an apk run on Samsung Note 10.1 but after I put all data (~30k files - over 930Mb) without compressing () into assets in apk, game crashes
Here is the native log. Im sorry, I will hide game package name.
I dont know whether there is any limitation from Xamarin with big apk (~960Mb). Could you guys give us some suggestions for this issue? Thanks