dotnet / arcade

Tools that provide common build infrastructure for multiple .NET Foundation projects.
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Pack can have errors but still pass CI #2366

Open jaredpar opened 5 years ago

jaredpar commented 5 years ago

Consider the roslyn repository as an example. Clone master, run Build.cmd -restore -pack and you will get the following error:

e:\nuget\microsoft.dotnet.arcade.sdk\1.0.0-beta.19171.3\tools\BuildReleasePackages.targets(20,5): error : Multiple packages of name 'Microsoft.CodeAnalysis' specifie d [e:\nuget\microsoft.dotnet.arcade.sdk\1.0.0-beta.19171.3\tools\AfterSolutionBuild.proj]

Even so $lastExitCode is still 0 and the build passes. This should be failing our build.

markwilkie commented 5 years ago

Added to post preview 7

jaredpar commented 5 years ago

@markwilkie where can I see how the bugs are prioritized? Not judging you moving this bug just curious where the scheduling, prioritization is kept at.

markwilkie commented 5 years ago

We're using the ZenHub extension, and using "epics". These "epics" denote the business priority that we're classifying the bugs as. We opted for ZenHub over labels because of the handy parent/child relationship for issues, and a nice kanban board.