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[release/8.0] Update Docker Image Tags #3955

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 2 weeks ago

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Backport of #3948 to release/8.0

/cc @eerhardt

Customer Impact

When customers use our AddRedis, AddMongoDB methods without specifying an image version/tag, we have an inconsistent way of defaulting the version for them. Some containers use a hard version that will never be updated. Some containers use just a major version, which may bring in changes that may break their app.

To fix this, we are consolidating on a plan to use major.minor tags where available. Then using a hard version as a next step, and follow up with the container owner to see if they can use semantic versions in their tags. And only using latest as a last resort.


Automated tests in the repo pass (including our EndToEnd tests which connect to these containers). I also manually tested the playground apps still work correctly.


Low to medium low. Leaving the current approach is risky also because security patches won't be automatically picked up for some containers. While others that juse use a major version may introduce breaks if they aren't strictly following semantic versioning.



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