dotnet / aspire

An opinionated, cloud ready stack for building observable, production ready, distributed applications in .NET
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aspire to an existing project error startup #4307

Open viniciusverasdossantos opened 3 weeks ago

viniciusverasdossantos commented 3 weeks ago

I added aspire to an existing project... when I try to start it, the print error occurs. If I remove the Web_api project and leave only RabbitMq, it works normally. Any tips?


davidfowl commented 3 weeks ago

Looks like your launch profile has invalid JSON.

viniciusverasdossantos commented 3 weeks ago

that was it! I don't understand why when running the webapi directly there was no error! thnakyou!!

davidfowl commented 3 weeks ago

@mitchdenny what do you think?

mitchdenny commented 3 weeks ago

Totally looks like an invalid launch profile to me. Can you repro it in a project that you can post to GitHub so we can take look.

davidfowl commented 1 week ago

We could throw a better exception with the project name and launchSettings path.