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DataTable not removed between pages #15855

Closed TheCamel closed 4 years ago

TheCamel commented 6 years ago

Hi, From the sample,, I try to replace static table with dynamic one from

I call an init in javascript from button clic and it works well.....but when i change to other pages the header stay there.

@page "/logview" @using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Browser.Interop @inject HttpClient Http

@if (logData == null) {


} else {

@foreach (var forecast in logData) { }
Date Type Application LogID Host Ceb Method Content Exception
@forecast.DateTime.ToShortDateString() @forecast.Type @forecast.ApplicationID @forecast.LogID @forecast.Host @forecast.CebID @forecast.Method @forecast.Content @forecast.Exception


@functions { IEnumerable logData;

protected override async Task OnInitAsync() { logData = await Http.GetJsonAsync<IEnumerable>("http://localhost/Trace.Lib.Web.Api/All"); } void UpdateHeading(UIMouseEventArgs e) { RegisteredFunction.Invoke("LoadTable"); } }

in index?html

Blazor.registerFunction( 'LoadTable', () => { console.dir("test ok"); $('#example').DataTable({ "scrollX": true, "scrollY": 600, "scrollCollapse": true, "paging": false }); });


SteveSandersonMS commented 6 years ago

I expect the DataTables library is mutating the DOM directly outside a single element.

Blazor is like other SPA frameworks in that it requires you not to mutate the DOM directly. Blazor actually will handle it OK as long as the mutation is only inside a DOM element that contains no other Blazor-controlled content. But if DataTables injects additional content into the DOM in arbitrary places, Blazor has no way to know it's even there to remove it later (which is the same as you'd find with, for example, React).