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Discussion: Guidance on using the new JavaScript Initializers in Blazor/.Net 6 #37078

Closed user72356 closed 3 years ago

user72356 commented 3 years ago

According to, "Use of JS initializers often removes the need to manually add script references when using Razor class libraries (RCLs)."

Right now when I publish a RCL that uses JS interop, I need the user to reference my .js files in his own code, in some manner, as described in

I fail to grasp how beforeStart(options) and afterStarted(blazor) could be used to load an external .js file. I see that Blazor can be started manually and a script injected according to, but that relies on the user changing autostart to false, and I'm not sure where to grab the blazor object from in the beforeStart(options) JS callback. I didn't find documentation of the options and blazor JS objects.

Can anyone shed a little light on that? All I'm trying to do is to automagically load external .js files from an RCL with no user intervention besides loading the RCL NuGet.

javiercn commented 3 years ago

@user72356 thanks for contacting us.

You can name your JS script <>.module.lib.js and it will be automatically imported by Blazor. If you decide to (optionally) export a beforeStart and afterStarted functions from the script, they will be called at the appropriate times.

javiercn commented 3 years ago

@guardrex do we have docs about this?

guardrex commented 3 years ago

@user72356, a "script reference" means that you want to reference the script to run JS that you provide in the RCL and not have the need to have code in the consumer's app reference the script to run the FNs. A JS initializer provides that opportunity (i.e., afterStarted).

If the consumer of your RCL wants to execute JS FNs from script files in the RCL's static assets, then they can access those scripts at ./_content/{PACKAGE ID}/{SCRIPT PATH AND FILENAME (.js)}, per our docs in several spots where we call out that scenario. You/they don't need a JS initializer in this scenario. I think that's what you mean by "load," but you might need to clarify further your scenario if I'm incorrect. Follow the Location of XXX guidance sections for external files where those sections refer to RCL scenarios. Also, see the purple NOTE for JS modules (JavaScript isolation in JavaScript modules section in the Call JS from .NET doc).

We'll take a closer look at that "script reference" line on review of this content. Unless we're going to work on the section now, I'd like to hold off until we reach our post-RC2 docs review.

WRT options and blazor: Indeed, Yes! @javiercn, we do need guidance on those. Nothing was stated in the blog post ...

If you want to give me something on options and blazor now, I'll roll it into that section now. Otherwise, we'll hit it at docs review time and do it then.

UPDATE: ... and I just noticed this from your new topic on WASM deployment layouts ... beforeStart(wasmOptions, extensions). Actually, we do have a smidgen of content ... just a mention at this point, really ...

In Blazor WebAssembly, beforeStart receives the Blazor WebAssembly options and any extensions added during publishing.

What I'm doing now is adding a cross-link from this content to the upcoming Deployment layout for ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly apps topic as an example of how options and extensions can be used. @user72356, you can see what I'm working from at Let me know if you want me to ping u on the docs PR by the end of the week.

user72356 commented 3 years ago

Thank you @javiercn and @guardrex for your useful replies.

After reading your messages, I realized that I misunderstood the .module.lib.js file at first. From reading the docs about the new .Net 6 features in Blazor, in particular, I was under the impression that the new .module.lib.js file was solely for the purpose of exposing the beforeStart and afterStarted callbacks to the Blazor framework. That impression was reinforced by the sentence "Use of JS initializers often removes the need to manually add script references when using Razor class libraries (RCLs)", which in my head meant that, using initializers, I no longer needed to request consumers of my lib to manually import my lib's *.js files in their code (using for example Githubissues.

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