Minimal APIs currently support a number of mechanisms for parameter binding, but are limited to a static TryParse or BindAsync method for custom binding.
Some types of parameter binding, such as features, cannot be achieved without resorting to IHttpContextAccessor. This is both clunky and a forceful hand by platform extenders for consuming developers. TryParse is insufficient because the process can be more involved than simple parsing and BindAsync is impractical for types that do not have affinity to HTTP and cannot implement IBindableFromHttpContext<TSelf>.
Consider the following scenario for a Minimal API in ASP.NET API Versioning:
var app = builder.Build();
var orders = app.NewVersionedApi();
var v1 = orders.MapGroup("/orders").HasApiVersion(1.0);
var.MapGet("/{id:int}", (int id, ApiVersion version) => new Order() { Id = id, Version = version.ToString() });
For the ApiVersion parameter to be bound (currently), the following DI workaround is required:
While this is just one scenario, there are many others like it. This is particularly true for edge cases that continue to crop up in the ever expanding items outlined in the internal EndpointParameterSource enumeration.
Proposed API
The proposed API would expand upon the capabilities of the BindAsync conventions and rules by allowing a surrogate method. These surrogates would be defined and consumed through Options. A surrogate BindAsync method would have the following rules:
Must be a static method (to avoid closure issues)
Must use the same supported signatures as the BindAsync convention
Must use the same supported IBindableFromHttpContext<TSelf>.BindAsync signature
May allow an alternate to an existing BindAsync implementation
The options might be defined as follows:
public sealed class BindAsyncOptions : IReadOnlyDictionary<Type, MethodInfo>
private Dictionary<Type, MethodInfo>? map;
public void Add<T>(Func<HttpContext, ValueTask<T?>> bindAsync) =>
Add(typeof(T), bindAsync.Method);
public void Add<T>(Func<HttpContext, ParameterInfo, ValueTask<T?>> bindAsync) =>
Add(typeof(T), bindAsync.Method);
private void Add(Type type, MethodInfo method)
if (!method.IsStatic)
throw new ArgumentException("The specified method must be static.");
map ??= new();
map.Add(type, method);
MethodInfo IReadOnlyDictionary<Type, MethodInfo>.this[Type key] =>
map is null ? throw new KeyNotFoundException() : map[key];
IEnumerable<Type> IReadOnlyDictionary<Type, MethodInfo>.Keys =>
map is null ? Enumerable.Empty<Type>() : map.Keys;
IEnumerable<MethodInfo> IReadOnlyDictionary<Type, MethodInfo>.Values =>
map is null ? Enumerable.Empty<MethodInfo>() : map.Values;
public int Count => map is null ? 0 : map.Count;
public bool ContainsKey(Type key) => map is not null && map.ContainsKey(key);
IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<Type, MethodInfo>> IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<Type, MethodInfo>>.GetEnumerator() =>
map is null ? Enumerable.Empty<KeyValuePair<Type, MethodInfo>>().GetEnumerator() : map.GetEnumerator();
public bool TryGetValue(Type key, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out MethodInfo value)
if (map is null)
value = default;
return false;
return map.TryGetValue(key, out value);
IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() =>
map is null ? Enumerable.Empty<KeyValuePair<Type, MethodInfo>>().GetEnumerator() : map.GetEnumerator();
To leverage the configuration, the internal ParameterBindingMethodCache would have to be changed. This class is source-shared across multiple libraries so the change should only use types known to all implementations (which may otherwise look strange).
HasBindAsyncMethod needs a new overload that can resolve the surrogate mapping dictionary:
+ [RequiresUnreferencedCode("Performs reflection on type hierarchy. This cannot be statically analyzed.")]
+ [RequiresDynamicCode("Performs reflection on type hierarchy. This cannot be statically analyzed.")]
+ public bool HasBindAsyncMethod(
+ ParameterInfo parameter,
+ IServiceProvider serviceProvider,
+ Func<IServiceProvider, IReadOnlyDictionary<Type, MethodInfo>?> resolve) =>
+ FindBindAsyncMethod(parameter, serviceProvider, resolve).Expression is not null;
A new GetIBindableSurrogate method would be added to allow resolving BindAsync mapped to a specific type.
+ private static MethodInfo? GetIBindableSurrogate(
+ Type type,
+ IServiceProvider? serviceProvider,
+ Func<IServiceProvider, IReadOnlyDictionary<Type, MethodInfo>?>? resolve)
+ {
+ if (serviceProvider is not null &&
+ resolve is not null &&
+ resolve(serviceProvider) is { } map &&
+ map.TryGetValue(type, out var method))
+ {
+ return method;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
This approach would work for any other feature, type, and so on that doesn't have TryParse (or is unsuitable) and cannot implement IBindableFromHttpContext<TSelf>. Consumers of such mappings are none the wiser and do not implicitly have to take a dependency on IHttpContextAccessor (which should be avoided).
Alternative Designs
BindAsyncOptions does not have to be IReadOnlyDictionary<Type, MethodInfo>; however,
most of the capabilities are dictionary-like
the instance would likely to need to expose or project into another dictionary instance
BindAsyncOptions does not have to supersede existing implementations
The surrogate method must be static, which means it must be a static function or local function
static lambdas are not guaranteed to be static functions by the compiler
It might be worth changing or loosening the rules to allow something like static (context) => ValueTask.FromResult(context.ApiVersioningFeature().RequestedApiVersion)
Open Questions
Should BindAsyncOptions.Add replace an existing registration or are multiple registrations an error?
Is source generation still possible for surrogate methods?
It is not entirely clear how IServiceProvider is resolved from RequestDelegateFactoryOptions
Assuming it ties to the root container, resolving the options just works and the following unit test passes:
public async Task CanExecuteRequestDelegateWithBindAsyncSurrogate()
// Arrange
IResult actionWithBindAsyncSurrogate(FeatureValue value) => Results.Extensions.TestResult(value.IsTest.ToString());
var httpContext = CreateHttpContext();
var responseBodyStream = new MemoryStream();
httpContext.Response.Body = responseBodyStream;
httpContext.Features.Set(new TestFeature(new() { IsTest = true }));
var services = new ServiceCollection();
services.Configure((BindAsyncOptions options) => options.Add(BindAsync));
var factoryResult = RequestDelegateFactory.Create(
new RequestDelegateFactoryOptions() { ServiceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider() });
var requestDelegate = factoryResult.RequestDelegate;
// Act
await requestDelegate(httpContext);
// Assert
Assert.Equal(200, httpContext.Response.StatusCode);
Assert.Equal(@"""Hello True. This is from an extension method.""", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(responseBodyStream.ToArray()));
static ValueTask<FeatureValue?> BindAsync(HttpContext h, ParameterInfo c) =>
BindAsync implementations might collide (but there can still only be one)
Background and Motivation
Minimal APIs currently support a number of mechanisms for parameter binding, but are limited to a static
method for custom binding.Some types of parameter binding, such as features, cannot be achieved without resorting to
. This is both clunky and a forceful hand by platform extenders for consuming developers.TryParse
is insufficient because the process can be more involved than simple parsing andBindAsync
is impractical for types that do not have affinity to HTTP and cannot implementIBindableFromHttpContext<TSelf>
.Consider the following scenario for a Minimal API in ASP.NET API Versioning:
For the
parameter to be bound (currently), the following DI workaround is required:While this is just one scenario, there are many others like it. This is particularly true for edge cases that continue to crop up in the ever expanding items outlined in the internal EndpointParameterSource enumeration.
Proposed API
The proposed API would expand upon the capabilities of the
conventions and rules by allowing a surrogate method. These surrogates would be defined and consumed through Options. A surrogateBindAsync
method would have the following rules:static
method (to avoid closure issues)BindAsync
implementationThe options might be defined as follows:
To leverage the configuration, the internal
would have to be changed. This class is source-shared across multiple libraries so the change should only use types known to all implementations (which may otherwise look strange).HasBindAsyncMethod
needs a new overload that can resolve the surrogate mapping dictionary:A new
method would be added to allow resolvingBindAsync
mapped to a specific type.The
would be updated to allow:
The remaining rules and processing for
would remain unchanged and just work.RequestDelegateFactory
would subsequently be updated as follows:and then:
Usage Examples
This will now allow developers and platform extenders to define arbitrary
methods mapped to a specific type.In the original example, instead of using
, API Versioning could now register:This approach would work for any other feature, type, and so on that doesn't have
(or is unsuitable) and cannot implementIBindableFromHttpContext<TSelf>
. Consumers of such mappings are none the wiser and do not implicitly have to take a dependency onIHttpContextAccessor
(which should be avoided).Alternative Designs
does not have to beIReadOnlyDictionary<Type, MethodInfo>
; however,BindAsyncOptions
does not have to supersede existing implementationsstatic
, which means it must be a static function or local functionstatic
lambdas are not guaranteed to be static functions by the compilerstatic (context) => ValueTask.FromResult(context.ApiVersioningFeature().RequestedApiVersion)
Open Questions
replace an existing registration or are multiple registrations an error?IServiceProvider
is resolved fromRequestDelegateFactoryOptions
Assuming it ties to the root container, resolving the options just works and the following unit test passes:
implementations might collide (but there can still only be one)BindAsync
processing might be unclear