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Experimental revert of P/Invoke layer #55519

Open mgravell opened 2 weeks ago

mgravell commented 2 weeks ago

This is draft while planning.

Reason: reports of unusual http.sys failures since .NET 8 migration; only relevant PR is this one; we have been unable to isolate whether this is the cause, so we're discussing whether to issue a private build to the affected party, to see whether this resolves it.

This PR is a revert of #50685, taking into account #54368 (which was investigatory for the same problem) and #51833 (ex-flags; note the second PR in this branch is fallout from the last - our ExFlags had never been used and was mis-declared; it is byte in the main generated code, and making that change fixes relevant failing tests)

/cc @Tratcher for input on whether this is a bad direction (ideally with alternative suggestions)